How The Light Dies

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From her time on this earth, Nyla realized that the Gods have a funny sense of humor. They give, they rob, and they dance on the fucking ashes of whatever ruin they leave in their wake. Yet, the realms of men are meant to endure it. Even as the Stranger makes a feast of all of those who Nyla loved.

In the three years since a new queen was taken in the form of Alicent Hightower, much had stayed the same in their section of the Keep even while tensions rose in others. That was until Viserys' new son, Aegon, was coming up on his second nameday. A royal hunt was planned for it, a week of celebrations leading up to it, and yet, Nyla was given a message by raven the day they were meant to depart.

'...I regret to inform you that your brother, Ser Trevas Clarick, heir to Nightwell, has passed from fever...'

Nyla did not cry as she read the rolled message. Not this time at the very least. All these years had stripped immediate tears from her in a way she could not understand but she knew what she must do. Maerys offered to be the one to tell his brother that they would not be able to attend their nephew's nameday but Nyla disagreed. It was her brother. That means it was her duty to brush like a ghost through the bustling council chamber that had been filled with lords and ladies and set with a table brimming with food.

It was easy to find the king in all of the chaos. He was doting on the white-haired baby in Alicent's arms and Nyla fought not to look down at the girl's swollen belly. The same way she couldn't look upon Aemma's in her final days.

"My King." Nyla dropped into a flawless curtsy even as her hands shook.

Viserys beamed when he saw her, stepping away from his queen and his baby to address her. "Ah, Lady Nyla. Where is that grim husband of yours? We've a feast plentiful enough for half the realm."

"I..." Her voice shook. Nyla stopped and swallowed before trying again. "I must extend my most humblest apologies but I'm afraid my husband and I will be unable to attend the dear prince's nameday hunt."

A blink as the words dawned on him. As he drew closer to her, Viserys' face dropped and his voice grew low. "What has happened?"

"I've only just received a raven from my home in the Nightwell. My brother has passed from fever." She relayed to her king and brother by law and she realized this was the most they had spoken to each other since Nyla and Maerys were married. "My... My lord father expresses the desire that I return home at once."

A comforting hand found her shoulder. "Oh... Oh, my dear. You have my deepest condolences."

Nyla managed a tight smile. "Thank you, Your Grace."

"If there is anything The Crown could do in this time of grief..."

"There is not you could offer but your sympathies." Nyla expressed. It was perhaps far too honest but Viserys wouldn't scold her for it.

Even he seemed taken with sadness with his pinched features and calm aura. If nothing else, Viserys was truly a good man. "I am so sorry, Nyla."

"We will try and return readily." Nyla continued. "I would not keep your brother part from you-"

"Keep him as long as you like. That is his duty."


As a knight sworn to a house, Jorran should have already been packing to leave the Keep. It was his duty to protect the prince and his family and yet almost as soon as he heard that Nyla's brother had died, he was summoned to his father's chambers again. Dread started to build because why could he possibly need Jorran now of all times?

There was no way to deny the request though, even when Jorran's face twitched as he started up those same stairs again. The burn in his legs was always the sign that he was about to get yelled at again more likely than not. This time though, Jorran did not wait after he pushed by his father's guards and knocked. He simply walked right in after that and stood at attention in the same spot he always did.

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