Let It Consume You...

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In the dark of his chamber, the prince was shoved back onto his bed. Before he could even right himself, his sworn sword was climbing into his lap. Their lips connected as harshly as they had when Jorran had snuck in moments ago and Maerys moaned at the spike of subtle pain.

"I missed you." Maerys whispered in High Valyrian.

The ancient words made a shiver wrack through Jorran's body. He had been getting better at the lessons Maerys had been teaching him so he could at least understand what the Dragonlords spoke. It felt better to listen to it though.

"You better have." Jorran responded. His pronunciation was sloppy at best but it made Maerys grin against his lips and push up for another kiss.

A rhythm had been found in the few months since that disastrous wedding of Rhaenyra's. Things had almost fallen back to a state of normalcy besides the fact that in those months, not a single person could leave them the hell alone. It always was hard to find time for one another since the walls of the Keep were made up of eyes but they used to manage. Mostly, a pleasant day where Nyla winked and left with a book to read at the Sept but even that hasn't been a guarantee. They had all been busy.

Maybe that was why Jorran had been so pushy. He knew Nyla wouldn't be back from Nightwell until the morning so the window of opportunity was closing. By the time Jorran had kicked the door closed behind him, Maerys had already gotten rid of his shirt, and, with hands that felt like dragonfire on Jorran's cold skin, he quickly joined his patron. He didn't use to be that cold-

"A-Ah..." Jorran breathed as teeth met his neck. A hand buried into the inky strands at his neck to tilt his head to the side so Maerys' mouth had more space.

Yet, even pressed against the embodiment of dragon's heat, that cold remained. It crawled up his spine right after Maerys' groping hand and chased away any of the warmth his lover left behind.

The sound of that large, heavy door being forced open never even reached their ears before a large crash had them both jumping. Jorran's head shot up while Maerys fell back against the feather mattress so that they both could look into the wide eyes of a servant who had just dropped a handful of firewood onto the floor. They stared for a long moment even as Maerys flipped over to sit up, dropping Jorran onto his knees next to him. His hand landed on the handle of one of his swords that he left against the bed.

"Wait-" Maerys started but that was what the servant needed to be broken from his trance. In a blink, the servant was rushing back out the door but Jorran had already grabbed the blade and one of the shirts from the floor.

"Jorran, don't-" If he tells someone, they're done for.

That was the single-minded thought that drove Jorran into the hall and right on the servant's tail. Maegor's holdfast was dark and abandoned in the late hour of the night but Jorran's sharp eyes were adept at spotting the skittish rabbit-like shape rushing for the stairs in the dark. No one innocent ran that fast.

To where? Jorran didn't know. To who? Jorran knew less. All he knew is that anyone who wanted the information didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Taking three stumbling steps at a time, the servant was at the bottom of the stairs in moments. Whipping around the turn to head towards the entrance to the rest of the Keep before a dark shape dropped down from the landing above and landed crouched in front of him. The young man startled, half screamed, and fell backward onto his ass as Jorran righted himself.

"No, wait! Please, Ser-!" The young man tried to pull himself to his feet but tripped again as Jorran came upon him. "I won't tell-!"

The blade of a sword was jammed in his throat before his words could get out and were yanked back out in the same movement. Blood gushed from his throat like a sputtering fountain, poured from his throat, and stained his front as he spasmed. Collapsing back onto the stone, the blood pooled about his head as the strength faded from him in the darkness.

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