Chapter 11

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Curtis POV. 

Placing my hand on across my mouth as I stifled my laughter. "Oh!" I started, turning to Shiro then to Keith. "My! God!" I cackled, letting my laughter out, the young adults known as Voltron followed my laughter. "That is one crazy story for all of you!" I shouted. Pidge had her elbows on the table as her hands held her head up. "Yep." She replied, popping the 'p', a large grin spread across her face. 

"Oh man." Hunk spoke, a large smile across his face as he ran a hand through her hair. "I honestly thought we would die, or get caught and banished from the Garrison." 

"Yeah, I thought we were going to die driving off that cliff." Lance added giving Hunk's bicep a pat. "I told you to trust me." Keith added, saying like it solved all their problems. "I didn't even know who your were! I was only told 'Its Keith!' from Lance." Pidge shouted across the table, jabbing a finger at Keith, a small smear of syrup at the corner of her nose that scrunched slightly from her grin.

"You're the only one that recognized Keith?" I asked. Lance rolled his eyes, his face seeming to brighten as well as his eyes among his dark eye bags as he spoke with such charisma. "Of course I recognized his mullet. It gave me nightmares even after he left." 

"Lance." Shiro called out, I jabbed my elbow into his arm, hearing him grunt softly as he looked at me with his 'What the heck?' eyebrows. I shook my head as the chatter across the table continued. 

"It's not a mullet anymore. It just hair." 

"Nope, I'm still calling you Mullet." 

"Why? My hair is just really long hair? At this point I can put it into a ponytail and braid it." 

"Cause you can. But I still see it as a mullet." Lance gasped as he sat up looking at Keith with a devious look in his eyes. "Let's chop it off." 

"What the f-!" Keith actually backed in his chair and jabbed a finger into Lance's direction. "Just leave my hair alone." 

"What if... I... say no?" Lance replied softly and slowly. Keith had dropped his finger and rolled his eyes as he spoke his next words. "Then fuck you."

"Wouldn't you like to, Samurai." Lance whispered, before slapping his hands over his mouth as his wide blue eyes bore into Keith's.... Who just stared at Lance with a dropped jaw for a solid minute. "Oh my God. Get a room!" Pidge shouted, snorting loudly. Keith ran both hands on his face, his ears turning red as Lance's cheeks grew dark. I snickered, thinking it'd stop there. "Really?" Keith added, he shook his head as he leaned back, his hand now covering his mouth. I glanced between the two. Their eyes looked to be sparkling, focused on only each other. Keith spoke, but I didn't understand it. It was another language. From the way Lance sat back, eyes still on Keith as he replied in the language, made me think maybe it was Spanish. "Unbelievable." Cassius spoke. My eyes shot to her as I read her expression. Her eyebrows were pinched together as her hand was on her chest, as if she was an old lady clutching her pearls. Her jaw dropped as he exchanged looks from Lance to Keith. Until her pink and golden pupil eyes stilled on Keith as she spat. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" 

"Cassius, it was just a playful banter." Lance replied, that spark dissipating as he just watched her. She shook her head before she stood, her white teacup dress swaying from the motion, the soft ruffles of her shoulders gave her a more squared stance as she spoke directly to Keith. Everything coming down at once. "How dare you! Looking at you makes me want to vomit, to hurl on your clothes. I can't believe you would make a move on my Lance.-" 

"Okay, Cassius. That's enough." Lance interrupted, placing a hand on her forearm, attempting to calm her. 

"No! He has a baby on the way with Aite and he's just going to complicate things by going around to sleep with others! I knew the galra were disgusting creatures but this tops the cake!" Lance stood as he leaned infront of her view as he spoke. "Don't talk to him like that." She scoffed as she shouted at Lance. "Why not? Doesn't your team deserve to see what he has become? Someone willing to cheat on their future mate with someone else who is also getting mated? It's revolting! And it brings disgrace amongst everyone's families!" 

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