Beautiful Sights (Sastiel)

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"What is this special event you have in store for us tonight?" Castiel asked his tall boyfriend, Sam Winchester, as he gripped his hand. They were heading to the door of the bunker and Sam had something planned for them.

"We'll see you in the morning, Dean!" The brunette called to his brother as he put on his jacket.

"Okay, you two losers have fun." Dean smiled as he walked past them, a bottle of beer already in his hand.

"Jerk." Sam muttered to him.

"Bitch." Dean snarked back and all three men laughed softly. "See you two love birds later." He continued on his way to the bunker's kitchen.

"I don't understand that reference. Do birds share more love than I thought?" Cas asked, slightly confused. He didn't get an answer, just a small laugh from his partner and a kiss on his head.

"It's just an expression. Now, come on. I think you'll enjoy this." The man excitedly lead them to the impala and started it up, turning on his kind of music instead of Dean's oldies rock. "Buckle up."

"Already did. Now, can you please tell me where we are going?"

"Nope. It's a surprise."

"I'm not good with surprises, Sam." Castiel began to pout.

"You will be with this one. I promise." Sam started to drive off and held his angel boyfriend's hand. They sat in a comfortable silence with the quiet sound of indie music playing through the impala's speakers.

After about 30 minutes of driving through country roads, Sam stopped the car in the middle of a wide, open field. It was just an average everyday country field of nothing but for some reason Sam was smiling with a wide and content grin.

"Where are we?"

"You'll see. Come on." Sam opened his door and got out, laying down a blanket over the impala's hood and taking out two bottles of beer. The angel slowly got out and looked around the field. Still nothing but grass and trees.


"It's not the field that's special, Cas. Come here." Sam laughed softly and sat on the blanket that laid over the hood of the impala, opening the beers.

Castiel nodded and walked over toward the long haired beauty. "Do you want me to sit beside you?"

"Of course. Come on." He patted the spot beside him and Castiel steadily crawled over and sat beside the large man, resting his head on the other's shoulder.

"I'm here." Castiel smiled.

"Good," Sam wrapped his arm around the angel's side and rested his head on the other's. "You know how you asked me what brings me the most joy in the world?"

"Yes. And you cheekily answered that it was me." Castiel laughed softly, causing Sam to do the same.

"Yes, but then you told me that it couldn't be you or Dean." He got a nod in reply so he continued. "I didn't answer. But this is it."

"What? Sitting on the impala in the middle of a field?"

"Nope. Not the field. Or the impala. Look up." Sam answered contently. Castiel obliged and turned his neck slightly to lift his head up and look into the star filled sky.

"Woah. There's so many. And they're all so bright." Castiel mumbled as he looked over all the beautiful constellations in the midnight sky. He leaned in closer to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his torso.

"I know. I love coming here. It's always the most beautiful sight." Sam muttered as he looked up as well. The two men leaned back to lay down, tangling themselves together in a loving mess.

"It is a truly beautiful sight." Castiel agreed. "You know, of all the times I've spent on Earth, I've never stopped to look up at the stars."

"Really? You should do it more sometime."

Castiel smiles again and looked over at his twinkling eyed partner. "Thank you, Sam."

The man crooned his neck to look into his lover's electrifying blue eyes. "For what, sweetheart?"

"I used to just walk around Earth like it was nothing. Since it's just Earth and I'm from Heaven. I never stopped to do anything. I just rushed past everything. But since I've met you, you've showed me all the beautiful sights of this world. You've taught me to appreciate every little thing just like you do. It's fascinating." Those words that left Castiel's sweet, pink lips made Sam's face tint pink as well. He always spoke his mind no matter what.thats what Sam loved so much about him.

"Thank you. But Castiel, you're the most beautiful sight I've ever stopped to look at."

"Really? Thank you. I love you, Sam Winchester."

"I love you, too, Cas." Sam cupped his boyfriend's cheeks and pulled him into a loving and passionate kiss. He really did love this angel.

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