impalasandpie and catstiel (Destiel AU)

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About a year and a half ago, Dean Winchester decided to make himself an online dating account. His brother, Sam convinced him to because he never found anyone that actually clicked with him and frankly, Sam was tired of him always being down and single.

He was always going to bars by himself, eating out by himself, he didn't have many friends, so his brother told him about how his friend from college made an account and is now married to one I the coolest girls he's ever met.

Dean never believed that making an account would help anybody. He believed in the old fashion way of finding a boyfriend or girlfriend. By meeting them in person. But after many years of that failing, he decided to listen to his brother. For the first time.

He set up an account on because it seemed like the best option at the time. But he was stumped on the first option. It was either a man seeking a woman, a woman seeking a man, a man seeking a man, or a woman seeking a woman.

"What if you're bi?" He grumbled then settled for OkCupid. That one didn't seem too bad. He made his username impalasandpie

"About myself? Well I'm from Lawrence, Kansas. I uh... I have a brother named Sam... I like pie, my '67 Chevy Impala, and well... I'm an automotive engineer but during my free time I work on my car, listen to oldies rock, drink a beer, and sit back and relax while watching Dr. Sexy M- no don't put that... but I want to find someone who actually likes me... fine. But if I get made fun of, I'm taking it off. Dr. Sexy M.D." He read aloud as he typed.

"What am I doing with my life? Well, I just opened my own automotive engineering shop, I'm raising a boxer pup, named Benny, and well... I guess I'm just looking for someone to help me figure out the rest. That sounds nice, Dean. You're pretty good at this."

He continued on answering all the questions he could, trying to be completely honest. After finally finishing everything up, he read through everything and groaned. He seemed like a total loser with no life. No one would ever want to be with him after reading this. He didn't change anything though. He just posted a profile picture of him and 'Baby' (his impala) before closing his laptop and turning in for bed.

After waking up, Dean did his normal routine, walking to his kitchen, brewing a cup of coffee, turning on the tv to watch the news while he drank his coffee and are his normal bacon and eggs, then making his brother Sam, an omelet.

"Morning, Dean." Sam smiled, his long hair still a mess from sleep as he walked into the living room and sat beside his brother, eating away at his omelet.

"Morning, Sammy."

"So... have you ever made a dating account?" Sam asks that question almost every morning.

"Uh..." Dean bit his lip, making his you her brother sit up in surprise.

"You did, didn't you?! Oh my god!" Sam cheered and started to ask Dean a bunch of questions. He only gave very vague answers but Sam would take any answers.

"I can't wait until you find someone." Sam laughed and headed back to his room upstairs, leaving his brother alone to contemplate on the last sentence he had said.

Finding someone felt like it was going to be hard. Dean walked to his room and opened his laptop, quickly checking to see if anyone has messaged him. But his inbox was empty. A disappointed sigh fell from his lips as he shut his laptop again and got ready for work.

After that morning, his morning routine began to include checking his laptop did messages or matches before he went to do anything else. For the first week, he had no luck. He was starting to lose hope.

One morning, right when he was prepared to see nothing yet again, he looked to see that he had finally had a message. From someone with the username catstiel.

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