Boston Outskirts - Chapter Nine

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The four of us step into the dark room, our torches (or flashlights if youre American 💀) providing us enough light for us to make our way round without tripping over anything.

We all stay quiet, carefully walking around with our guards high. I tighten the grip on my pistol and try to listen to see if I can hear anything, but I can only hear our footsteps moving slowly around the room.

"Finally some fucking luck..." Tess mutters, gesturing to a dead pile of fungi spread across the corner of one of the rooms.

"I guess we should've gone this way in the first place." Joel says with a nod.

"Don't jinx it, cowboy." I say with a smirk, not even bothering to look at him while I talk.

"Cowboy?" Tess says with her eyes brows raised and an amused look.

"Yes." "No." Me and Joel say the the exact same time.

"Don't even ask..." Ellie mutters, walking away from us and I can't help but smile.

"Oh shit..." Ellie says in a surprised tone, stopping dead In her tracks as she sees a dead body, looks like he's only just been killed... great.

"Joel fucking jinxed it." I say jokingly, crouching down to examine the body and Joel just rolls his eyes and grunts in response.

"What the fuck did that?" Ellie says with a curious but also concerned tone.

"We'll be fine." I say reassuringly but also a slight hint of concern on my face.

It's obvious I don't entirely believe that. It's a lot easier to defeat infected alone than in a group, it's harder for someone to get hurt when you only have yourself to look out for.

"Maybe... maybe he was attacked outside and crawled through the doors." Tess say with a conferred voice, and I'm not sure if she's trying to convince Joel of herself that statement is true. "The door was open. Could've been him. I don't hear anything."

"Stalkers don't make noise." I point out, whispering.

"Who would you hear?" Ellie says in a voice that was way to loud for comfort and we all shush her and gesture for her to be quiet.

"Who would you hear?" Ellie repeats, this time in a whisper. "Are you saying infected did that? Because I've been attacked by one and it wasn't like that."

"Okay, from this point forward, we are silent. Not quiet. Silent." Joel says in a whisper.
"Wha-" Ellie whispers back but Joel cuts her off.
"No. No questions. Just do it."

I nod in agreement, still trying to listen for any signs of infected.

We start slowly walking again, my hand tightly on my pistol besides me, ready to use it at any moment if needed.

We tip-toe up some stairs and the silence is almost deafening apart from the creaky stair boards below us. I hate silence and if infected probably weren't waiting to jump out at us, I would definitely try and fill the quietness, but I also don't particularly want to die by being bit by infected because I wanted to talk, so I reluctantly keep my mouth shut.

I look around with my torch pointed at the wall, the fungi still looks dead so at least that's a good sign, but definitely doesn't mean there isn't infected lurking. It could be stalkers or just clickers or runners that we haven't heard yet.

Suddenly Ellie steps on what looks like a dead infected hand and makes a loud crunching noise.

We all turn round to look at her with a glare and a 'really?' look but she just has a guilty smile on her face. We need to be more careful if we don't want to end up dead.

We open a door to an old museum exhibition, god it's like a blast from the past.

But as soon as Ellie and Tess walk through the door after us the ceiling collapsed from where they just were and made a massive loud noise.


Date finished- 8/6/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 682 words

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