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𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭8:30 𝐀

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𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭
8:30 𝐀.𝐌

"are you sure you wanna move, desean?" his mom, sherhonda asked him as she cleaned up her kitchen. karsen sighing at the same question that she's been asking him for the past year now.

he had decided that he wanted to move out of his cramped apartment and become an home owner. he had the funds for it, he just wanted to make sure he found his perfect home.

"yea, i'm sure." karsen mumbled, standing up from his couch and grabbing his phone. he really was about to hang up on his mother if she didn't stop asking him all of these questions.

"but who are you gonna be with? you tryna move to a whole different state on your own and you'll be further away from me." his mom sighed.

"you know imma visit often, it ain neva been a prolem' for me to come down thea'. imma be fine, mama. i know somebody who lives down there, we used to be good friends in highschool." he told his mom as he grabbed his leftovers out of the fridge.

"i guess, karsen.." his mom shook her head, "i'll talk to you later, son. i'm about to head to bed." she said.

"aight, mama. i'a talk to you lata'. i love you." karsen said as he hovered his finger over the end call button.

"love you too, son." she spoke, karsen hanging up the phone once he heard.

"gahdamn, i was supposed to be sleep 3 hours ago." he mugged as he seen the time. it was currently 10:00 at night and he usually went to sleep at 7 but his mom called. he had a busy day.

he had got done packing yesterday so now he was just cleaning up his empty apartment. now that it was past his bedtime, he didn't even feel like going to sleep anymore.

sighing, he put his leftover chicken alfredo in the microwave on 1 minute. heading towards his room, he started turning all of his lights off throughout his apartment.

once he made it to his room, he went to his dresser and grabbed a lighter. he already had a blunt sitting out on his balcony. hearing the microwave go off, he rushed into the kitchen to grab it. once he did, he grabbed a utensil and his phone, making his way out to his balcony.

he lived on the 3rd floor of his apartment complex. he had to admit it, he was going to miss his balcony. it was the only thing that gave him peace at night. he loved watching the stars and sitting in the moonlight.

he sat his phone up on his coffee table and went live on instagram, he was bored so why not? he watched as thousands of people joined the live. he had 65k on instagram and 900k youtube subscribers.

he dropped videos a lot, at least 4 or 5 times a week. it was his way of income and he loved everything about it, from his fans, his following, and the amount of money he made.

"wassam, slimeballs?" karsen asked as he grabbed his food and started eating it.



baeeee wydddd

you so fine🥰😍

lemme slut you out just once 😏

heyyy favvvv💕


"heyy yall." karsen spoke, his mouth full of food. he continued eating as he watched the comments.

"i might have ta take you up onnat option, sarah." karsen chuckled at his own joke.

"i'm finna light a blunt and do a high q&a so send yo questions."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺...
8:00 𝘈.𝘔.

groaning, karsen woke up to his alarm clock going off. he quickly turned it off, turning over on his back, yawning. he slowly sat up, grabbing his phone and going through his notifications.

what time you leaving?


safe travels, karsen. call me when you make it.

karsen smile and hearted his mom's message, replying with a 'I will' before going to reply to melly's.

to melly
imma leaving soon as i get done getting ready. it'll take me 4 hours to get over there.


closing his phone, he got up out if the bed and went into his bathroom to get ready. he had already picked out his outfit for the day last-night with the help of his followers.

it was a simple outfit that consisted of black nike sweat pants, white crocs and a black sweater. he loved the combo black on black.

he did his morning routine before packing the rest of his bathroom utensils into his suitcase. he had already gotten the uhaul storage thing hooked on the back of his black jeep.

he had all of his boxes sitting near his front door. sighing, he started putting the boxes inside of the uhaul one by one. it took him almost 30 minutes to do so but he got it done on his own.

once he put his last box inside, he got a phone call.

he accepted, putting his airpods in.

"heyyy, k!" melly's voice boomed throughout karsen's ears.

"hey mel, wassup?" karsen asked as he looked throughout his apartment, making sure he grabbed everything. he was gonna leave the basic stuff like his couch, and his coffee tables.

"i was callin' ta ask you what kind of snack n stuff you like?" melly asked as karsen walked around, turning lights off and closing doors.

"uhh, i like twix, skittles, them lil baby rap snacks, and pickles. like i really love pickles. i also love me some trollies. why you asked?" karsen asked as he took one last look around his apartment, making sure that nothing was out of place. he sighed, knowing he was going to miss his first apartment, but now he was on to bigger and better things.

"cause my friends and i wanted to make you a welcome basket." he said, karsen leaving out and closing the door to his apartment, locking it.

"y'all ain gotta do that fo' me, mel." karsen chuckled, lifting his front door mat and placing the key under it for the landlord to find.

"we wanna do it, karsen. anyways, i'a talk to you later. text me when you almost here." melly said, as karsen made his way towards the stairs.

"aight." karsen said before he hung up the phone. closing and locking the uhaul think up, he got into his all black 2020 jeep wrangler.

looking back up at the apartment complex that he had so many good and bad memories in, he started his car. as he left the parking lot, going further away, he took one last glance before he put everything behind him.


jus a lil sneak peak 🥰.
what do you think so far?
1101 words

finished & edited @1:59 P.M. 6/12/23
12+ words for update

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