Short Story 3 - Suicidal

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She wonders if she will ever be let free of this cage she's in. 'I'm trapped unable to find a way out.' She said. 'I hear the drip, drip, dripping of water from outside. I wonder if we will be let out, I hope there's more than this cage.' She wonders. She's been here for 9 years! For now, she will keep doing what I am told and behave in the proper manner. 'I am afraid of what will happen if I don't. I have to better myself; I'm just looking for attention, the attention I crave might get me in trouble though.' She comments. Mabey there is more to this day, this month, this year, but for now she will just behave. If she doesn't then there will be consequences, closing every door she opens. Better to just leave them be.

'Sometimes I wish I could just get out and be free, 'just another year' they say. They always say that.' She thinks she will be here for much more than that. Meeting new people. Next year. from what I can tell, every hour that passes will be with different people who choose what she does. 'I don't think that's going to happen though. I don't think I'll be here for much longer.' She thinks. There's a knife... so tempting, she's been there. She can't go there again. she knows that she deserves it but she just can't. she won't. For him. 'I'm so ugly and fat. No-one likes me. Why am I here? I push people away. I don't mean too. It's just what I do. I'm alone, I always have been. My counsellor says 'You're not alone though. You have your friends and family; you even have me.' It's a different type of lonely. Just because I have people around me and that love me doesn't mean I'm not lonely. There's no-one there for me. No-one understands.' She states. I think she knows it's not true but can't see it just yet.

(A/N I am not suicidal myself however this is how we are told suicidal people think and talk. Thi however is not true, someone who is suicidal can look like they are having their best life. I know this because my late cousin whom shall not be named here was suicidal and he looked like he was fine. Send this as a reminder to check up on people you love and if their struggling then one of the best things you could do is just listen, nothing else. Stay safe.)

Short story's I randomly wanted to writeWhere stories live. Discover now