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congratulations on your new album 

I know that it's been something you've been working on for a while

thank you

George sighed and tossed his phone down on his hotel bed. He didn't like this. Estelle was never dry whenever texting him, now it was all one or two worded responses. He thought that maybe after they broke up they could still be friends. He was willing to do anything not to lose her. She was making it really hard though. 

He sat down on the bed and ran his hand down his face. His right leg bounced as he stared at the floor. He still had an hour before he had to go to the track. He knew for sure that Estelle was going to be there. It was the Monaco Grand Prix, she went every year to support Charles and Pierre. 


George really missed that. He missed Estelle in his drivers room before a race. Her giddy smile whenever he scored his first points. Her repping Williams while walking into the paddock with him. Her being in the garage with the team during a race. Her telling him how proud she was even if her got a DNF that race. 

He missed her. He expected the pain of the break up to subside after a year, but it still hurt the same. Sure he had learned to be at peace with the internal torture, but it still sucked. 

He was still head over heels in love with her. 

She had avoided him like the plague in the year that they had been broken up. Making sure to only go to certain parts in the paddock whenever she went to races. Not going to podiums in fear of seeing him. 

As much as he wanted to, he couldn't blame her. George knew that as soon as he saw Estelle he would go into love struck mode. He would try and talk to her or be around her as much as possible. It was probably a good thing that they haven't seen each other. 

George checked the time and noticed that 45 minutes had gone by. He took a deep breath before he started getting ready to head to the paddock. 



Estelle and Gabriella stood side by side by Pierre's car. They were waiting for him to give them their all access passes so they could get on with their day. 

"pouvez-vous dépêcher votre cul lent (can you hurry your slow ass up)" Estelle huffs out frustradedly. Gabriella looks at her in slight confusion, only catching some of the words that she quickly spoke out. 

"Just because you're too scared to see George doesn't mean you have to rush me" Pierre says while slightly chuckling. Estelle rolls his eyes as he whips their cards out from his back pocket. 

"Here you go. You two can go anywhere your little heart desire" Pierre says while handing them to the girls. 

"We avoid Mercedes though" Gabriella says. It had been engraved into the girls head ever since Estelle asked if she wanted to tag along at this race. Estelle nods. 

"Which kind of sucks. I was hoping to see Lewis Hamilton" She pouts dramatically. Estelle gives her a look of unamusement and her pout turns into a sheepish smile. 

"C'mon, Stell, you know that Ferrari is my favorite. Hoping to see Charles Leclerc in the flesh" She excitedly says. Stella smiles at her friend. 

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" Pierre asks. Gabriella rolls her eyes playfully. 

"Of course I do. He's hot, he speaks French and Italian, he looks way too good in red, and he plays Piano. What more could a girl want?" She says. Pierre smirks and opens her mouth to say something. 

"Just because you speak French doesn't mean she thinks your attractive. You have a girl friend" Estelle reminds. 

"I know, but it would've been fun to make fun of her for it. So way to go buzz kill" Pierre jokinly glares at Estelle. 

"Yeah, yeah, let's go. I want to see Charles and Lando before the media all starts" Estelle says. Pierre nods and leads the girls to the entrance of the paddock. 

𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐌𝐞 - George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now