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The anxiety of even attending a race weekend was not new for Estelle. The fear that George could show up any second caused her to constantly be on edge. Yes, she was avoiding him like the plague and had for a year. She thought he would get the hint and eventually stop trying to talk to her and look for her, but that seemed to not be the case. George was consistent on his messages to the girl and she was consistent with not replying. She really wanted too, but she knew that it would just give George false hope. It wasn't fair to him. 

"Penny for your thoughts" Pierre says while sitting next to Estelle. She purses her lips and looks at him. 

"Nothing special" She shrugs. Pierre sighs, but nods. He knew trying to get her to talk in public would only worsen what she was feeling. He slowly wrapped his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. 

"Where's Gabby?" Pierre asked, changing the subject. 

"With Charles. I think something is going to happen very soon with them" Estelle explains with a small smile. Pierre nods and lets a smile graze over his lips. He rubs Estelle's shoulder. 

"I love you" He says while staring at her to see her reaction. The small smile on her lips falters for a second and he feels her shoulders tense. She looks over at him and sees the genuine expression on his face. A half smile takes over and she nods. He knew she loved him too, she just couldn't say it. 

"I know. It means a lot to me" She says before giving him a tight hug. Pierre smiled widely as he knew that was a way of her saying that she loved him. He was her saving grace. Her best friend and the person that she called her brother even though they were only cousins. Pierre was more than happy to be everything that he could be for Estelle. He was proud of how far she had come with her healing journey and how much progress she had made in her career. 

"Now, you need to go get ready for the race" She says while pulling away from him in order to stop the tears from falling. He smiles softly at her and walks into his drivers room. estelle sighs and gets up to go find Gabriella. 



Estelle bumped into a tall body. Just as she was turning around to apologize she saw him. George Russell was right in front of her. 

"Estelle" He breathed out. She just stood there and took in his appearance. He didn't look as alive as he did a year ago. He had a small, tired smile on his face. His bright blue eyes looked unusually dull. 

"Hey" She squeaked out. His smiled expanded the slightest bit when he heard her voice. 

"Um, I have to go" She whispered while looking at the ground. George nods. 

"Oh, yeah. Um, I'll see you around" George says as Estelle walks away, leaving him to watch her retreating figure with sad eyes and a frown. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐌𝐞 - George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now