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"Charles Leclerc, do you know where your brother would be at this time" Estelle says while sligging her arm over the Monegasque's shoulder. He jumped and turned to a laughing Estelle. 

"I would think that you would want to see me" Charles says with his hand over his heart. 

"I see you a lot already. She however has been waiting to meet you for like months" Estelle points over to Gabriella whose eyes were wide with astonishment. Charles smirks. 

"You must be Gabriella" He says as he moves in front of her. He puts his hand out for her to shake as Gabriella nods. She shakes his hand and he brings her hand up to his lips and kisses it while winking at her. Gabriella's cheeks turn red and she giggles. 

Estelle turns to Carlos who, had joined them in enough time to see what his teammate just did, and fake gagged. Carlos laughed and gave Estelle a friendly, welcoming hug. 

"To answer your question, Arthur is preparing for F2 FP" Charles says turning to her. Estelle nods. 

"Well, I still have another person to visit. So, Ciao" Estelle says. 

"You coming, Gabby?" She asked. Charles looked at Estelle and shook his head no. 

"Nevermind. Meet me back at the Alpine garage before 4" She says before leaving the three. 



"Estelle Gasly" A voice said from behind her. She jumped slightly whenever she heard a british accent. She turned and visibly relaxed when she was met by the smiling face of Lando. She smiled and engulfed the boy in a hug. 

"How are you doing, kiddo?" She ruffles his hair. Lando jokingly rolled his eyes and slapped her hand away. 

"your only two years older than me" He says while laughing. Something she adored about Lando was that he always found a way to make the girl laugh. His bubbly personality was one of her favorites on the grid by far. 

"George is doing media right now, by the way. No need to worry about bumping into him" Lando assured as he saw the blonde girl checking over her shoulder every few minutes. She smiled gratefully at Lando. 

"So, what is this I hear about a new album?" Lando asks with an excited smile. Estelle laughs and starts explaining all about her album. 



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Monte Carlo <3

gabriellarusso best weekend ever

estellegasly it's friday hun

gabriellarusso already gonna be the best

arthur_leclerc I love the Charles photo

estellegasly ikr i thought it went hand in hand with his personality

charles_leclerc why am i being bullied

landonorris FOUL

estellegasly cry about it

landonorris I already am

pierregasly i don't even know what to say...

estellegasly i am pretty good at leaving people speechless

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𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐌𝐞 - George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now