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In morning as usual Tannu wake Noor up and after getting up she quickly get ready in black kurti and trouser tieing her hairs in high ponytail and walk out taking her bag , she didn't even tried to put effort in getting ready

she walk in dining area where Arjun and Tannu is already sitting with Mayank as well who came to take Arjun according to her .

" look finally who decided to grace us with her presence" Tannu taunted, Mayank look up from his plate to her and laugh only to choke , coughing he slapped his chest lightly Tannu offered him glass of water with bored look who smiled in return

Noor walk to them and sit beside Tannu pouting, Arjun look at his love not able to take his eyes away from her , he got distracted by her pouty lips as he wetted his own

" I'm not even late yrr " she complaint taking something to eat looking happy to find her favourite allu ke parathe

" yeah yeah ofcourse" Tannu exclaimed nodding while rolling her eyes

" ok now leave her alone" Arjun said still looking at her who look up at him for the very first time after last night and her face heat up instantly remembering what she did last night and she quickly look down at her plate , Arjun smiled at her cuteness

" ohhhh oho " Mayank look teasingly at his friend and wink at him laughing loudly , Arjun turn to his best friend scowling and get up as he's done

" come on how much more will you eat now , what's the use of going to gym huh . and you both come fast we are going together" he said while taking a whining mayank away

" can't you stay away from bhabhi for even sometime now " Mayank sneered sitting on driving seat in sore mood.          ( bhabhi= sister-in-law)

" no " Arjun exclaimed shamelessly making Mayank speechless

after a while both the girls come out gossiping about something and sit down on back seat still talking about something, Mayank started the car and drive to University.

" so did you decided where are we going in summer vacations " Mayank asked looking at road driving smoothly

" umm aren't we going back home " noor asked looking between them in confusion

" yeah we are but we aren't going to stay there for whole month naa " Tannu told her and she nodded

" so where do you want to go " mayank asked to no one specific

" how about Shimla or Kerla or to Goa " Tannu suggested excitedly , she look at Noor and she as well agreed with her bestie happily

" yeah these all place are great but we have to choose only one , you know" Mayank said looking at Tannu through mirror who nodded thinking deeply

" what do you think Arjun" Tannu asked her brother who seem lost somewhere

" anywhere you all wanna go , I'm fine with that "  he shurgged his shoulders looking out of window

" chill yrr we have a week to decide as holidays are starting from next week " Noor said looking at her phone as it's ringing she quickly pick up, Arjun frowned and look at her through mirror

" hello ...yeah we are on the way it will take only 10 more minutes... yeah I'll call you ..ok ok bye " noor talked for a while before cutting the call , she look at Tannu and said it's Ishu on call informing that she's already reached, Tannu nodded

after 10 minutes they all get out of car and went to there way , Tannu dailed Ishu's number and after two to three rings she pick up

" hello " Ishu said

" where are you" Tannu asked

" where can I be ?" Ishu said sighing

" don't tell me you.." Tannu said but cut her off

" yep I'm upstairs near Psychology class , guarding the highness" Ishu said making her shake her head

" ok we are coming" Tannu said and hang up

" what happened" noor asked her

" they are in Psychology class ,well let me correct myself shweta is in Psychology class with lover boy while Ishu is guarding outside" Tannu sighed as they walk towards the class room

" what ? again ? dude how long is she planning to do that huh? this just can't work out like that naa  " noor complaint frowning deeply

" i know right, i mean if shweta wants to do that then she can but why dragging Ishu down with her as well " Tannu said putting her phone back in her pocket and adjusted her dupatta

" someday they are going to get caught and that day I'll see if the lover boy will even recognise her , dude there are camera's all around how can they just doing this loosy thing and expecting not to get caught...just Bravo" noor clapped lightly

" and that day Ishu is also going to be in huge trouble" Tannu said

" exactly" noor agreed with her

" finally you are here , i was so bored yrr " Ishu exclaimed happily looking at them and they smiled at her " come on sit down , i don't think the door will be opened any time soon " she sit down at stairs suggesting them as well while pointing to class beside the stairs

" yrr why don't you leave this all huh , i mean you just can't waste your time daily sitting outside this room naa " Noor told her looking at the class in desgust .

" i know yrr but i just can't leave her alone with that man naa , I'm worried what if he tried to do something shweta will not be able to do anything" Ishu sighed tiredly

" ofcourse but you can even help her by informing someone about it  like her parents or teacher , like this you are just encouraging her to do the wrong she's doing " Tannu exclaimed sitting beside her

" ofcourse she can't ,her first doubt will be she and they are school friends so it will harm that as well , so if you have enough courage to bear this then i we are with you but if you don't then let just go with flow " Noor stated the fact while shrugging her shoulders carelessly looking towards sky
and smiled

no one can change the destiny , if something has to happen it will doesn't matter what you do to prevent it  

" ok leave it don't spoil your mood early in morning and let's talk about Noor's new crush" Tannu look mischievously at Noor who look at her in shock... traitor

" what really , did Arjun know about it " Ishu asked excitedly like she just got her favourite candy

" why do he need to know and it doesn't even matter " noor said carelessly

" by the way who's he now " Ishu scoted little closer to them

" it's Danish taimoor" Tannu said grining

" Ohhhh oho Danish ahh...by the way who's he " noor scoffed that's what friends are for despite them knowing nothing they will still tease you

" he's a Pakistani actor " noor said and they started talking about useless things forgetting the problem.... for a while

after sometime door opened and shweta and that man Ankit came out looking at Tannu and noor standing with Ishu he bid his bye to her but the intresting thing is they didn't even look at him as there full attention is on shweta....well on her neck which is red and little purplish by now and it shocked them to the core

how could she do that ...

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