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Early morning, around 4 am villagers helped them to catch the bus, sitting in the back they look out from window , looking at the departed villagers as bus starts speeding.

"We've been planning our future, and now with all this, it's like everything's up in the air." Noor said sighing

"I know. It's unexpected, but we can't let it overshadow our own journey. We have to be honest with our parents too." Arjun reasoned with her but deep down he too is in doubt, if he's ready for marriage but nothing could be changed now

"It's a lot to take in, I get that. But we can't keep them in the dark forever." Tannu said looking down at her fainting henna hands

"They're our parents, they'll understand. We just need to find the right words to explain it all." Arjun said and glance at his sister with concern but then his eyes went to his buddy and all the tension went away, noticing how silent Mayank is and how his parents are he's little concerned about his little sister but he also know his friend and he know doesn't matter what future holds for them but Mayank would never leave his sister alone

As they prepared to face their respective parents, the bus became a space where the intricacies of love, commitment, and the challenges of unconventional choices converged. The air was thick with shared vulnerabilities, each couple leaning on the other for support amidst the uncertainty of how their parents would react.

"It's just a matter of time before we all have to sit our parents down and tell them." Mayank said deeply in thoughts looking out at passing trees

"Whatever happens, we're in this together. Let's support each other through it." Arjun said looking at him knowing very well what's his buddy is going through, mayank meet his eyes and he blinked his eyes assuring him that he's always with him and mayank smiled a little a him before looking down at tannu

Looking down at her he's understanding that love, in all its forms, was a journey that required courage and honestly , and he's ready for this fight for her...she really worth it .

The hum of the bus engine became a backdrop to the internal dialogues playing out in their minds

As the bus navigated the winding roads, the couples, amidst the muted colors of the bus interior, exchanged glances filled with a mix of determination and anxiety. The shared silence spoke volumes about the uncharted territories they were all navigating in their relationships and the upcoming conversations awaiting them at their respective homes.

"So, do we just start with 'Guess what, Mom and Dad? We're not the only ones with big news today!'" Arjun said looking at them, deciding to inject a bit of humor to lighten the heaviness of atmosphere

"That could work. It might distract them for a moment." Noor chuckled knowing what he's trying to do

"Imagine the chaos. 'Oh, by the way, we're married too!'" tannu said playfully looking at mayank who look back at her

Laughter rippled through the bus, creating a momentary reprieve from the weight of their situations.

"On a serious note, we'll figure this out. It's just a matter of finding the right words and timing." Mayank said

"Agreed. And if all else fails, maybe we can hire a stand-up comedian for emotional support." Arjun said playfully

As the bus neared their destination, the friendship among the couples remained intact. The mixture of humor and shared vulnerabilities became a testament to the strength of their friendships and the interconnectedness of their journeys.

The bus finally slowed to a halt, marking the end of the journey, they exchanged glances that held a silent understanding. The challenges awaiting them at home remained, but the shared laughter had fortified their spirits, reminding them that no matter what, they were in this together.

Exiting the bus at the stand, they hailed a taxi to take them the rest of the way home. The city lights glittered in the distance, casting a glow on the bustling streets.

"At least we can plan our approach during the taxi ride. We'll just break the news gently, right?" Noor asked frowning , she's visibly nervous about her parents reaction although she know they will understand but she can't guarantee about her dramatic mother

"Absolutely. It's about finding the balance between honesty and reassurance." Arjun reassured her interwining their hands

" Let me call mamma" she said and Arjun nodded smiling, she pull out her phone checking the network and called her mother to inform her about her arrival , technically it was their surprise visit but they had enough surprise for a while and things got planned out of nowhere...now that would be surprise

Her mother picked up in fifth ring "hello sweetie , you are calling so early in morning is everything alright" her mother asked knowing her daughter's late waking up habits

" Mom relax , i just called to inform that I'm coming home in 20 minutes "

" What?? Why didn't you told me that earlier?" Her mother asked frowning

" Well it was a surprise for you guys but... Anyways you are home right? " She asked looking down at their interwined hands , it's already past 1 pm

" Actually no , we are on our way to your father's business partener's house as his mother got hospitalised and her condition is serious, so your father wanted to visit her as they're really old associates " her mother explained her calmly

"Oh So now?" She asked biting her lips nervously

" Don't worry sweetie stay at Arjun's for two days, I'll inform sister-in-law about it . So enjoy sweetheart " her mother said playfully making her blush

" Mamma " she whined, Arjun chuckled as he heard everything making her more embarrassed

" Alright alright, rest well sweetheart, we'll try to come early" her mother giggled and hung up

Noor pouted looking down at black screen, it's not her first time staying at their place but now as their relationship has changed she's feeling extremely shy about it

After almost 30 min the taxi pulled up, they shared a quick glance, silently acknowledging the shared journey they were all embarking upon.

The taxi merged into the flow of city traffic, each couple lost in their thoughts, they had decided to tell everything to their parents together so till noor's parents come back they had decided not to disclose anything to anyone . The city lights danced on the windows, a distant reminder that life continued its rhythmic dance amid their personal narratives.

The taxi, now weaving through familiar streets with each passing streetlight, taxi pulled up in front of Arjun's house after almost an hour and they got down

" Why don't you come inside" Arjun offered mayank who's still in car

Mayank look at tannu who's looking down and then look at his friend " not now, i just wanna meet granny right now" he said grinning thinking about his grandmother

" Tell her I'll come to meet her soon" Arjun chuckled thinking about sweet old lady, mayank nodded and told driver to start the texi

Tannu look at him one last time before it speed away and she bite her lips following her brother inside the house...

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