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As Tannu and Noor was relaxing, immersed in lively conversations and laughter, the maid approached the girls with a warm smile, gently calling them down for dinner.

"Dinner is served, beta. Everyone is waiting at the table, and your father is back from the office." The maid said with a sweet smile

"Perfect timing! We've got quite an appetite. Let's go join everyone." Tannu said getting up from her bed followed by Noor

"And I can't wait to taste aunty's cooking again. It's been too long." Noor said excitedly clapping

"Yeah i also missed mom's cooking a lot" tannu smiled a little

They animatedly sharing a few last-minute whispers and laughs, made their way downstairs to join the family.

"There you are! We were wondering when the gossip queens would grace us with their presence." Arjun mocked them with a forced smile, there's so much delicious food on table but his mother didn't let him eat any cause she wants to wait for them to come

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting. The stories were too juicy to cut short." Noor apologized genuinely to his parents for making them wait so long but then said last sentence looking at him just to tease him and he just smirked looking back at her , she's looking cute in her losse sweatshirt

"But we're here now. Let's eat before Dad starts his lacture again." Tannu said teasing her father a little making him chuckle , she really missed her dad a lotttt

"Ah, i would've Princess but considering that I'm seeing my little dolls after so long I'll let it pass , tonight, let's focus on enjoying this meal together." Her father said caressing her head before patting noor's head lovingly , he really missed them a lot

The family, now complete, gathered around the dining table. The aroma of home-cooked dishes filled the air, and the clinking of utensils created a symphony of shared moments and familial joy.

" Umm, this is soooo tasty aunty" Noor moaned taking a bite of her favourite chole bhature , Arjun shifted uncomfortable on his seat before looking up at his constant distraction

Arjun's mother just smiled warmly at her

Arjun turn to his father and get engaged with him in some business related conversation just to distract himself from his janeman

The ladies exchanged subtle glances, rolling their eyes playfully as the business talk took center stage.

"Tech and renewable energy, huh? Riveting dinner conversation, isn't it?" His mother said tauntingly

"Absolutely thrilling. I always dreamed of discussing market trends over a hearty meal." Tannu said mockingly making Noor giggle

The father and son continued, oblivious to the ladies' reactions, engrossed in the nuances of the business world.

"Guys I'm sure the startup world is fascinating, but can we discuss something a bit more... appetizing?" Tannu whined noticing their constant ignorance

"I vote for changing the topic to desserts. How about we talk about delicious desserts?" Noor said excitedly

" Oh, it doesn't sound bad , i also wanted to have some sweet and delicious looking dessert " Arjun said trying hard not to smirk , she look at him who's already looking at her very intensely , it's very innocent remark but the way he's biting his inner cheeks , it's anything but innocent

She look down at her plate blushing making him smirk

Members around the table exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a mix of amusement and feigned innocence , they choose not to say anything , they just wish for them to be always happy and healthy.

The dinner table, adorned with stories and laughter, became a testament to the warmth of homecoming and the comfort of being surrounded by loved ones after a long day.

After the hearty dinner and the playful banter, the family gathered in the living room for some post-meal relaxation.

"That was an excellent meal. Your mother's cooking never disappoints." Arjun's father said taking his wife in his arms , they really are example for their children to treat their better half in right way

"Absolutely, Dad. Home-cooked meals are unmatched." Arjun agreed looking at his parents with warm smile, that's what he want his future to look like

The living room, bathed in the warm glow of lamps, became a comfortable space for the family to unwind.

"Now that the business talk is over, how about we all do something together? Maybe watch a movie?" Arjun suggested looking at noor innocently making her shyly look around , he's really evil for teasing her like this..

"That sounds perfect. A movie night is a great idea." Tannu clapped excitedly

"Agreed. Let's keep it light and entertaining." Their father also agreed looking at their happy faces

" No , you all are going to bed right away. Do whatever you wanna do tomorrow, it's already so late . Take rest , you are already tired, so come on get up and shuu " their mother said making them whine

" Mommmm" tannu whined

" Good night sweetie" her mother said forcing a smile making Noor chuckle, she's really tired and want nothing more than a very peaceful sleep

At last they retreat to their respective rooms ,  noor freshen up and did her night routine before going to bed , she used her phone for sometime before slipping in dreamland.

After getting ready for night Arjun looked around his room feeling something's missing here , so he decided to go to his lifeline

The door creaked open, and he entered the room with a gentle hush. The soft glow of moonlight spilled through the curtains, casting a subtle radiance on the room.

He carefully went to her side , looking at her relaxed sleeping face a smiled made its way on his face unknowingly , he lay down beside her before pulling her in his arms and kissing her forehead lovingly making her smile in sleep, after a while he also drifted into peaceful slumber ...she's his sukun.

On the other hand tannu come back after doing her night routine when her phone started ringing, she frowned looking at time before going to bed and taking her phone, she look at Caller ID and bite her lips nervously. She's not getting why mayank is calling her at this hour of day. She take a deep breath before answering the call....

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