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Well not saying anything but you sure you don't wants to comment down 🔪 i mean think 🔪🔪 ...think about it 😁

As they approached the front door, there stood their mother by the door with hearts full of anticipation, ready to welcome her children back.

"Finally, my darlings! You're home! I've been counting the days." Arjun's mother exclaimed happily opening the door fully and the familiar scent of home enveloped them, she cheerfully took Tannu and Noor in a warm hug

"Mom! It feels so good to be back. We missed you." Tannu said kissing her cheeks happily forgetting everything in front of her mother's warmth

"And I missed your cooking, aunty. Nothing could be compare with your food" Noor beamed happily , his mother caressed her head lovingly and said

"Well, let's get you fed then. Come inside, the kitchen's been waiting for you." Arjun's mother chuckled making them laugh

"There you are! I was just thinking about when you'd grace us with your presence." She said as she turned to her son indifferently making the girls giggled, Arjun looked at noor raising his one eyebrow suggestively making her shyly run inside with tannu followed by his mother, he smirked at her but then looked at his mother's back and quickly went behind her before closing the door and hugged her from side

"Mom, it's good to be back. Hostel life gets lonely without your cooking and your garden! I've missed seeing those flowers bloom." He said sweetly

" I can see what else is blooming here so don't even try " she narrowed her eyes at him before instructing maids to bring water for them and he smiled even more , she ignored him completely and happily sit infront of her daughters

"You both bring life to this house. let's catch up on everything you've been up to." She said grinning happily making them giggle

"Tell me everything! I want to hear every detail of your lives since you left." His mother again said rubbing her hands waiting for juicy gossip like teenagers , then she remembered something and smiled cheekily at Noor

"And you, my dear, I've got a fresh batch of cookies waiting. Your favorite." She stood up and went to bring them quickly making Noor beam with excitement

She came back with tea and cookies making girl's gasp in excitement as one love tea the most in world while other is fan of her aunty's homemade cookies , she took her seat before passing them tea and cookies

Arjun look at his tea cup which is still in tray and sighed looking back at his mother who's still angry with him and he know it's really his fault that his mother got to know about his previous fight in university, his father also scolded him that day for making his wife worried but from that day onwards she refused to talk to him but now that he's here , he'll convince her

He took his tea cup and stood up from his seat " i guess that's my cue to leave as I'm really not interested in your gossips" making the girls gasped

" Ignore him and tell me everything " his mother said making him chuckle and he went to his room leaving the three behind

In the cozy living room, Noor , Tannu and her mother settled into a conversation, ready to exchange the latest juicy gossip.

"Mom, you won't believe what happened in college last week." Tannu said

"Oh, do spill the tea! I've been waiting for some good gossip." She exclaimed excitedly

"So, you remember that guy I told you about, the one everyone thought was mysterious?" Tannu asked raising her eyebrows looking at her mother

"The one with the brooding looks and enigmatic vibes? Yes, I remember."

"Well, turns out he's been secretly learning salsa, and he's been teaching our shy professor! Can you believe it?" Tannu giggled

"No way! That's unexpected. What a twist! Tell me everything."

"I know, right? It gets better. Apparently, the professor is now the star of the campus dance club. Who saw that coming?" Noor said laughing loudly

"That's incredible! Who knew our shy professor had hidden dance moves? This is better than any TV drama." Her mother said and they all started laughing

As they shared laughter and details of the campus escapades, the living room became a stage for the unfolding tales of college life.

"And, Mom, there's more." Tannu exclaimed

"So, spill the beans! I'm listening " Mother said sipping her tea

"Oh, Mom, you won't believe the drama at the University! There's this whole love triangle that's been keeping us entertained." Tannu said excitedly, sitting on couche with crossed legs

"Yeah You won't believe it, aunty . It's like a soap opera. Secrets, confessions, the whole shebang." Noor said shook her head taking another cookie

" Love triangle never gets old , I'm all ears! Give me the details." Her mother said sipping her tea waiting for drama

"Okay, so there's this guy, let's call him Arun. He's been secretly crushing on Sara, but she's oblivious because she's been too busy with her studies." Tannu started explaining

"And here's the twist. Sara's best friend, Emma, has been secretly harboring feelings for Arun. It's a total mess!" Noor said sighing feeling bad for them

"Oh, my! The plot thickens. What happened next?" Her mother asked giving her all attention to them

"Well, Arun finally mustered the courage to confess to Sara, but right at that moment, Emma decides to confess to Arun. It's like a rom-com gone wrong." Tannu checked shaking her head

"Sounds like a Bollywood movie! What did Sara do?" Her mother frowned

"Sara found out about both confessions at the same time. It was a showdown! I've never seen so much drama in one place." Noor giggled remembering the scene

"The suspense is killing me! What happened in the end?" Mother whined

"Would you believe it? Sara decided to take a break from both of them and focus on herself. And now, we're all waiting to see how the love triangle unravels." Tannu said and all of them laughed

"Well, I must say, she's a smart girl . Keep me updated on the next episode!" Her mother chuckled ,The living room echoed with laughter

As the stories flowed, the living room echoed with the joy of shared gossip, creating a moment of bonding between the girls and mother, where laughter and revelations wove a tapestry of familial connection.

" Alright that's enough for today you must be tired get some rest , I'll call you down at dinner time " mother said lovingly putting her empty cup in tray

" Yeah I'm very tired " tannu said streching her hands

" Yup " noor yowned

" Alright go to your room girls " mother said smiling and they get up to leave but not before noor took the last cookie with her making mother chuckle and tannu sneered

" What ?? They are tasty" noor said looking at tannu

" Ofcourse ofcourse" tannu look at her....

So yup that's all for today or maybe will update extra today 😁
My sweet reader's wanted update so I think I'll just complete remaining in pairs like this
So enjoy till next update and stay healthy 😊

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