Chapter 35 : Rumors

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Taehyung's consciousness flickered in and out, as he found himself caught in the hazy realm between reality and memory. Visions of his past flashed before his eyes, each moment vivid and poignant, as if they had happened only yesterday. 

The room was filled with an eerie stillness, and the once vibrant whispers of Hoseok's chants had fallen silent.

Taehyung's vision slowly cleared as he opened his eyes, he emerged from the depths of his memories. The room around him seemed frozen in time, the air heavy with anticipation. He turned his gaze to Hoseok, whose expression bore a mixture of disbelief and disappointment.

"What happened, Hoseok?" Taehyung's voice trembled with a hint of uncertainty. "Did you see something? Have we finally discovered the reason behind all of this?" 

Hoseok nodded slowly, his expression a mix of disappointment and confusion. He gestured for Y/n and Taehyung to take a seat on the couch, and he positioned himself in front of them, his face burdened with the weight of the unknown.

 He gestured for Y/n and Taehyung to take a seat on the couch, and he positioned himself in front of them, his face burdened with the weight of the unknown

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"It's more tangled than I initially thought," Hoseok sighed, his voice heavy with a sense of frustration. Hoseok sighed deeply, his eyes shifting between Y/n and Taehyung, silently conveying his disappointment and confusion. 

With a contemplative expression, Hoseok began to speak, carefully choosing his words. "When Seungwoo cast the curse on the stone, something extraordinary happened. His blood dripped onto the cursed stone, mixed with the moonstone, created a potent fusion of two of the most powerful curses known to exist. No sorcerer have ever tried to put any of these powerful curse together in the history."

Y/n and Taehyung leaned closer, their eyes locked on Hoseok, their hearts pounding with anticipation. "The intertwining of the blood and the moonstone has created a formidable force," Hoseok continued, his voice tinged with a mix of astonishment and frustration. "It seems that the curses are constantly battling for dominance, each affecting Y/n's soul and body in different ways."

Hoseok's brows furrowed deeper as he continued to unravel the enigmatic nature of the curses. "This explains why Y/n experiences constant nosebleeds, with thick red blood flowing, and everytime that happens her soul starts to flicker like a fragile flame."

Y/n's eyes widened with a mix of fear and realization. Now, hearing Hoseok's explanation, it all started to make sense, even if it sent shivers down her spine.

Taehyung's grip tightened around her hand, offering silent reassurance. He understood that they were facing a formidable challenge, one that threatened to consume Y/n's very essence. But he was determined to stand by her side, to support her through the darkest of times.

Hoseok's voice softened with empathy as he continued, " We have a chance, however slim it may be. I found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness in your memories Taehyung."

A flicker of astonishment danced in Taehyung's eyes as he absorbed Hoseok's words.

"The Moon Goddess had blessed you with her powers during the mission of Awedamner, and that energy is unmistakable to any skilled sorcerer. When Prince Taeho's eyes met Sorcerer Jaehyun's gaze, a profound realization washed over him. Jaehyun recognized the immense power Price Taeho possessed, blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. In that moment, he paused his cursed spells and begged for forgiveness." Hoseok's voice carried a sense of awe and wonder as he revealed the unexpected turn of events.

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