part 2

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{Time skip}

Yuri pov

It's lunch break .I'm not going to eat anything because whenever I go to the cafeteria Kai and his minions never let me eat peacefully.sometime they throw water on me or sometimes throw my food on me .*sigh*now I'm at the rooftop . The weather is great today.The wind is blowing. That's when my sweet moment got disturbed by some loud noises.when i saw Kai and his friends coming with a boy.i quickly hid myself behind the wall.
I covered my mouth with my hands because i know if they caught me ,I would be dead meat instead of the boy.

Chen - so ,what should we do with him?!?

Boy - Ple-ase le-t me go *sobbing*
I prom-ise i will not do t-hat again.

Suho - no boy, we will make sure that u will not be able to do that again *smirk*

Kai - grab him!

Baekhyun grabbed the boy's hand with his one hand and his hair with the other from behind .the boy's back was touching baekhyun's chest.

yuri was listening to their conversation. when she slowly tried to peek she heard a loud noise which made her to sit back on where she was .she started to hearing noises of kicks ,punches and screams.

Kai - u d*ckhead !!! How dare u tell the teacher about us?? huh?!! * He yelled*

Boy - i'm sorry ahh! p-lea-se fo-forgive ahhh!! m-e *trying to speak*

Author pov

Meanwhile yuri who was sitting there still hands on her mouth unknowingly tears was coming from her eyes.she was feeling pity for the poor boy .she wanted to help him but she couldn't. knowing that what will happen to her if she went to help the boy. She started sobbing.she closed her eyes tight.she was still hearing the voices of kicks,
Screams, laughs, swearing.she started to sobbing loudly . Her hand was still on her mouth not wanting them to hear her sobs. THEN SUDDENLY -

Yuri pov

I was crying .my eyes was closed.suddenly i felt a tight grip on my hairs . I started to feeling myself getting dragged by my hairs . I started to screaming because of the pain. He let go of my hair and i fell on the floor . I remain my head low.I didn't want to make any eye contact with them .

Author pov

Kai - so this b* tch was hearing us from the very beginning?! *Yuri heard him saying .*

Baekhyun - aww!! my poor baby , Are you scared? *he said while caressing her hair*

Chen - oh my god! She is shaking!?
*He said while looking at Kai and suho*

Kai - baby ! Don't you know that evesdropping is a bad habit ? Huh?! Tsk tsk tsk!! * He said while walking toward her*

Baekhyun step aside from her and let Kai stand in front of her.then suddenly he placed his feet on her hand and started to squeezing her hand with all of his strength.she started to screaming and crying hard because of the pain. Her hand started to bleeding.

Kai - next time ,if i found out that u r again listening to our conversation then you better prepare for the consequences.* He said while gritting his teeth*
He let go of her hand . She quickly grabbed her hand tight with the other to stop the pain . She was crying hard .the boy already leave the rooftop when they were busy with yuri. Now they also leave the rooftop.
She was alone, crying hard while grabbing her hand . The bell had already rang indicating That the lunch break is over. After 5 min she got up and wipe her tears still sobbing a Lil bit.she reached to her classroom .
She was late for class.

Miss Han - miss yuri ,u are 10 min late . *Glaring*

Yuri - I'm sorry miss. *While bowing*

Miss han- next time if you come late i will complaint to ur brother .now take ur seat * she said while opening the book*

Yuri - thankyou miss .

While walking towards her desk she saw that kai and her friends was smirking. She sat on seat. Miss Han started to teaching. After that all the lectures went smoothly.some were interested and some were boring .

Time skip
At home

Yuri pov
After reaching home i went straight to my bed room locked the door . I sighed in relief that now I'm home .i placed my bag on my bed and went towards my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes were red. I looked at my hand and it was red and had some dry blood on it.i open tap and wash my hand carefully in cold water . Then i take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes. Then i went toward my bed and sleep for 2 hours.

Author pov
She woke up at 6 pm .and started to doing her homework .after doing her homework .she started to watching tv.its 8 pm now indicating that her brother is going to arrive soon. She was hungry . She went to kitchen .

Maid - oh !miss yuri, the food is ready .should i serve u?

Yuri - no ,i will eat with oppa.*smiling*

Maid - okay *while bowing*

Yuri went to the dinning table and sat on the chair . She waited and waited until she heard someone's footsteps coming from the front door.she knew that her brother is arrived .he went to his room. Obviously for freshen up.
15 min later she saw a maid going upstairs to call him for dinner.yuri quickly went to her .

Yuri - wait ! I will call him for dinner .*nervous laugh*

Maid- okay miss yuri *confused but still agreed*

Yuri went towards his room and knock on the door .

Tae- come in .

She enter the room . He was checking some files.

Yuri - oppa , dinner is ready .

Tae - i don't want to eat .*still looking at the files*

Yuri - but why *sad tone*

Tae - stop asking me questions ,go and eat your dinner and then come to my room. I want to talk to you * while placing the file on table *

Yuri - but oppa - *she got interrupted by his glare*

Yuri - okay * she quickly went out of the room *

While eating i was thinking why he want to talk to her.he only call me in his room when he got any complaint about me. Sigh , god knows what will happen next...

Hi readers
Please tell me if I should continue this story or not ..please. Is it even good or not. Please tell ur opinion. U can also share your views and ideas in comment section like which type of story you want in next chapter.please don't leave this story in half because this is just the beginning. But thank you so much for reading😘

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