part 8

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Meanwhile tae's pov
In the morning

I woke up feeling a little hot. My head was also hurting. I was fighting with my thoughts whether to go office today or not. But i have an urgent meeting today. I got up from my bed and went towards bathroom. I did my daily routine and started to getting ready for office. I was feeling tired. I sat on my bed. Am I having a fever? I touch my forehead and yeah it was hot as expected. *Sigh* i Really don't want to go office but it urgent. I grab my phone and purse and went downstairs. Yuri was not there. I take my seat and the maid serve me the breakfast. After some minutes later yuri came but i didn't greet her back as always. I did my breakfast and leave for office.

Author pov
One hour before lunch break

tae was feeling very hot. His cheeks were burning. He already attend the meeting. Jungkook came in his office . He look at tae and he was massaging his forehead.

Jungkook - hyung ! Are you ok? *He said with a concern*

Tae - yeah , I'm fine *he said not looking at him*

Jungkook noticed it. He went towards him and placed his hand on his forehead.

Jungkook - hyung! You are burning!! *Shocked*

Tae - it's ok. *He said slowly*

Jungkook - no! It's not! Lemme me call the doctor *he said while dialling number on his phone*

Tae - no! Don't. Just take me home.*he said while standing from his chair*

Jungkook - but- *was about argue*

Tae - *look at him with serious face*

Jungkook - ok. *He said while started to walking outside with him*

Jungkook take him to his mansion. Tae went inside of his mansion when a maid come to him.

Maid - what happened master?

Tae - nothing . Just not feeling well today *he said while going towards his room*

Maid - should I call the doctor* she said with a concern*

Tae - no thanks*he said while entering his room and locked it*

He removed his coat and went straight to his bed. He was feeling tired so he slept quickly the moment he lay on the bed.

Yuri - No please!!!!
Don't do this!!
I'm begging you!!!
Please someone help me!!
Please help me!!

Tae woke up while breathing heavily.
He was sweating.

Tae - thank god it was just a dream..... a bad dream *he said while putting his hand on his chest* but i have never had a dream like this before. I know i had a lot of dreams but not like this ........ not about yuri. She was getting r*pe in front of me and i was just standing.
*Sigh* what if she is really in danger?
Should I call her teacher? Naah?!? Am just overthinking. And also why am I even worrying about her?.............
But still , even if she is not my real sister, i can't let anything happen to her ,not like this.

I look at the clock and it was showing 12 o'clock. Indicating that it's lunch time. Her school is over at 3 o'clock . I am not hungry so i again lay down. I tried to sleep but that dream was continuously roaming in my mind. Also she never talks to me about her bullying. God!! I'll talk to her today.

Yuri pov

I reached home and went straight to my room. I locked the door. I went towards my bed and sat down on the floor beside it. My knees was touching my chest. My arms were around my legs and my head was on my knees. The moment i close my eyes all the things again started to roaming in my mind. I started to crying slowly but soon it turned into loud sobs. I started crying more and more on the thought that I almost got r*pe. I was crying because he told me that he will continue it tomorrow.
What should I do?? Should I tell oppa?? I really can't take this anymore. What if he do that again tomorrow? No no , i don't want to get raped. I have to tell oppa.

𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 : 𝒂 𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈'𝒔 𝒋𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒚Where stories live. Discover now