part 9 (Warning)

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Next morning

Author pov

Tae and yuri were sitting in their own rooms. They didn't even sleep for a minute. Yuri was still in her uniform. she was tired of crying. Her eyes were hurting and she feels like she's having a fever. But she didn't care much. On the other hand tae's eyes was still teary. Her words were still roaming in his mind. He was remembering all the happy moments which he spent with her when they were young. He was accusing himself all the time for not helping his own sister. Even though she was not his real sister, it was his responsibility to keep her safe. He was also regretting telling her the truth that she was not his real sister. Every time he wipes his tears from cheeks it again falls like a rain drop.

They both didn't go downstairs for breakfast. Yuri went to her bathroom and closed the door behind. She turned on the shower and stood there. She closed her eyes remembering everything which happened with her in past days. Tears were falling on her cheeks but they were mixing with the water. She was hurt. She was remembering the beautiful days which she spent with her family. Unknowingly a little smile crept on her face. But it again fades away when she starts to remember what happened after her parents death. Everything changed a lot , even her brother. She fell on her knees and started sobbing loudly. It was hard for her to even Breath. After spending the complete hour in the bathroom she came out. She wore something comfortable. She went to her drawer and took out sleeping pills. She placed one pill on her palm and looked at it for a sec before gulping it down from her throat. She went to her bed and lay down. After 10 - 15 later she was in a deep slumber.

On the other hand tae was gathering some courage to talk to her. Half of him wants to go and apologizes to her but half of him was scared that what if she didn't forgive him?? After a complete wrestling with his thoughts he got up and wiped his tears before opening his door. He went towards her room and knocked before opening it. He didn't get any response. He panicked. He again knocked but still did not get any response. Bad thoughts started coming in his head. He opened the door while praying to the god that what he was thinking has not happened. He became relieved after seeing her sleeping peacefully on her bed. He went towards her and sat beside her. His eyes started getting teary. He wanted to say a lot of things to her but didn't want to disturb her. He kissed her forehead and left the room quietly. He went towards his room and started taking bath.

At 2pm

Yuri was already woke up but didn't want to go out. She was lying on her bed. All her focus was on the ceiling. She was not even blinking her eyes. It was like a dead body was lying on the bed. She heard a knock on her door. But still her focus was on the ceiling. She again heard a knock. She sighed before getting up from her bed. She opened the door expecting a maid but naah it was tae. She was about to close the door but tae stopped her.

Tae - yuri please , listen to me. *He said with pleading eyes*

Yuri left the door open. And looked at him in his eyes.

Tae - yuri , I'm really very sorry about my behaviour, please forgive me. I swear i won't do that again. *He said with his teary eyes*

Yuri - is everything will be alright with your sorry? *She said showing silent anger in her voice*

Tae - i know my sorry is not enough for what i have done with you but please forgive me, please! *He said and fell on his knees while folding his hand. Tears were streaming from his eyes*

Yuri became startled at his sudden action. Tae looked her in her eyes.

Tae - i know i was being careless all the time you told me about your bullies.This happened all because of me. It's all my fault. Af-after mom - dad's death you were only left with me b-but because of my work i started venting my anger on you not knowing that I'm hurting my loved ones. *He said while crying hard in front of her*

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