𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍, love languages

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• okay as i said in the first head-cannon for Ben, his is DEFINITELY words of affirmation

• that comes in many shapes & forms obviously, he loves teasing you but he also absolutely loves telling
you how gorgeous you are to him, etc

• once again he's such a cheesy dickhead, CONSTANTLY uses pick up lines on you

• COMPLIMENTS. GALORE. he never EVER stops complimenting you, EVER

• even if you guys are at a party, he'll absolutely lose his shit & yell "THATS MY FUCKIN' SEXY MISSUS RIGHT THERE EVERYONE!", which always leaves you SO EMBARRASSED (thats apart of the fun to him)

• when you guys are cuddling he'll tell you each feature he loves about you & why 🥹

• ALSO one last one he's obviously (once again as i said in the first chapter) BIG on pet names (babe, baby, honey, etc)


• DEFINITELY physical touch, lets be real, our baby is definitely touch starved

• he absolute LOOOOOVES it when you hold him, play with his fingers, play with his hair, etc. like, he practically melts & dies all at once

• he must be touching you in some form at all times, wether that be subtle gestures like having his hand on the bottom of your back, or wether that be him holding you in a tight embrace & kissing the top of your head 🥹

• he's an absolute sucker for holding hands too, wherever you guys are (especially crossing the road or walking in public LMAO) he absolutely MUST hold your hand. no ifs, buts or maybes (ur babies got rabies)

•  if y'all are seated somewhere (doesn't matter if its in a public or private setting) he always has his head rested against yours, if not yours is always rested on his shoulder<3

• alsoalsoalso whenever he's teaching or showing you something, you're ALWAYS seated on his lap when doing so. you're legally not allowed to be sitting elsewhere 

• mans' is also big on kisses as well. on the top of your head? duh. your forehead? OF COURSE. your nose? OF COURSE. literally mans will smother your whole face in kisses he does not care one bit


Chris definitely has aspects of all of the love languages down pat, but i feel like his main one would be acts of service<3

• he does all the thoughtful lil things for you, oh he sees you looking at a specific CD in a window of a shop? its yours the next day. he knows the first thing you do in the morning is drink your favourite drink? he'll get that ready for you on the bench the second you wake up

• whenever he goes on tour he ALWAYS brings you back like a lil keychain from every place he's been to, or if you have a very specific thing/interest/hobby etc he'll bring you home stuff in regards to that (eg chocolate, candies, rubber balls, coins, etc)

• oh your sick? don't you worry mans has got you COVERED. he'll be right there beside you, taking care of your every lil move<3 he's got all the Panadol, water & supplies in the world JUST to make sure you feel half decent

• he's definitely the kinda guy to open all the doors for you n say "lady's first" LMAO HES SO CUTE

• i also feel like he just enjoys spending his time with you, it doesn't matter what your doing or how long your doing it for, he's jus happy to be around his girl<3

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