𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓, daniel johns ²

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IN WHICH, dan has been facing HEAVY scrutiny & antagonisation from the media, but it doesn't seem to overly concern him when you're by his side

Blow Up The Outside World - Soundgarden
0:00 ❍─────── 5:44
↻ ◃◃ Ⅱ ▹▹ ↺
Volume: ■■■■■■■■□□ 80%

Peering outside, you notice the several shades of grey and black casted upon the sky, making for quite a miserable looking day. Quite frankly, these tended to be your favourite kind of days, the sight of rain increasingly drizzling onto the shores directly in-front of you was personally, a sight for sore eyes. These kind of days were also typically allocated towards your boyfriend of several years, due to the fact that you certainly couldn't go out and about, and well, neither could he.

You were currently locked into each others arms, his face slightly cuddled into your chest as you delicately tassel through his hair, knowing its most likely what he needed as of now. You'd been aware of the fact that Dan's stress levels have been rather high recently, due to the heavy antagonising hes been facing from the media as of recently. He's made slight mention of it, not exactly mentioning the finer details, but simply the fact that they've been attempting to get into his personal business and asking rather inappropriate, personal questions. He hasn't exactly admitted it, but you can definitely tell its been hard on him. Not only that, but Silverchairs newly released album "Neon Ballroom" was recently released, which was rather anxiety inducing considering the album was extremely personal to Dan, which made the media ask more intrusive questions then they usually would.

"You doing okay, bub? You're bein' a little quiet" you speak, praying to god you hadn't woken him up. "Yeah i'm alright, just thinking" he replies rather sombrely. "What're you thinking about?" you ask cautiously, on the border of not wanting to pry but also simultaneously wanting to know whats wrong. "Just this stuff with the media is pissing me off a bit, i'm sick of getting asked the same intrusive questions over and over again, its like all these people share the same question sheet" he huffs, annoyance present in his voice. "I know baby, you're dealing with it so well though. Is there anyone you can talk to and get them to stop these dickheads from asking you specific questions?" you ask, not exactly sure on how the bobs and bits of the industry work. "Not really, just have to deal with it i guess" he sighs, peering up at you. "Wish i could just stay here forever, just me and you in our own little bubble, no media bullshit" he continues. You simply look at him and begin caressing his cheek, knowing that often calms him down. "I love you" . "So much" he speaks, it comes out barely audible as he seems to put all of his focus into strengthening the grip he has around your waist and delicately placing a kiss just above your collarbone. "I love you, it'll all sort out soon, okay?" you say, hoping and praying to god you're correct. It kills you seeing Dan like this, even if its the most minor of things. "Hope so" he sighs, not sounding overly convinced. You lightly kiss his forehead in response, soonly hearing a sigh of semi contentment leaving your baby's lips.

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