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Wilbur's pov: I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping *beep, beep, beep* i squint my eyes as they adjusted to the brightness, then, tommy bursts into my room "Wake up bitch!!" Tommy yells loud enough to wake the neighbourhood "tommy what the fuck!?" I say fully awake now "come on it's time
for breakfast". Tommy says still being loud"Ok ok tommy can you please shut up" I say a little angry.

I rip off my blankets and pull myself out of bed "Ok time to get ready!" I think to myself, still trying to open my eyes in the bright room. I get up, stumble over to a pile of clothes on the floor I bend down and I pick up a pair of jeans, a white button up shirt and a grey jacket. I walk over to my door where my black boots are sitting, pick them up and walk back over to my bed to put them on. As I'm putting it all on, I think " Why can't I see? Oh! Right glasses!" After I put on my clothes, I walk around my room, looking everywhere, I can't find them. I poke my head out the door and look down the hallway. " Tommy! Did you steal my glasses!?!" I hear multiple giggles from Tommy's room " N-no" I hear in reply " He did steal your glasses, Wilbur!" I hear Ranboo saying. A silent whisper comes from Tommy " Dude, why'd you do that?" I start jogging down the hallway until I find Tommy's white door, I bang on it hard. " Hey give my glasses back!!" I say in a stern tone.

"Ok, fine" Tommy says still annoyed that Ranboo outed them " Thanks Ran." I say patting him on his head, as I walk away, I overhear Tommy whispering to Ranboo  " Dude! Why did you do that?!?" Tommy says with a little anger in his tone. " Hey! Don't shout at Ranboo! He's a fragile little boy!" I shout loud enough for them to listen, but not loud enough for them to start crying. " Ok how about after school we go and get some ice cream, down on the corner of Main Street?" I say to the three kids "Yes! Yes! Yes! Wilby!" They shout " Ok! Ok!" I say before heading sound the hallway, I can still hear them chanting " ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" I burst through the door into the kitchen. " Hi dad!" I say as I crossed the kitchen floor. " Hey Will can yo-"  I managed to hear before I ran out the door and hoped on my bike.

"Fuck I'm going to be late" I say as I see George riding towards me "hey George" I say peddling "hey will" George says as he rides next Me "oh did you hear apparently Bad and Skeppy got caught under the stairs" George said waiting for a reply "wait really damn did they get detention?" I say, me and George love gossiping about all the stuff in the school, " no Karl found them"  he said a little disappointed "damn anyway what else you got" I say needing to know more "oh maybe later we are here" he says as he puts his bike in the bike rack "but it's about those to kids that tommy hangs out with" he says and walks away.

"What Ranboo and tubbo gossip" I think as I walk through the big doors of the school, as always Karl and nick are all over each other, bad and skeppy look embarrassed probably because of what happened yesterday, and then I see quackity, my heart starts beating out of my chest in every direction "no what the hell I hate him" i think to myself as he walks past, i turn around and snatch his beanie revealing his long, black hair "Hey give that back bitch" he shouts at me as I run for my life down the halls and into a empty classroom, he followed me in "bitch give it back" he yelled as I lent in close "do you want it that badly" says in a soft deep voice all he does is stand there flustered "just give it back" he says

trying not to melt into the floor, i give him his beanie and he leaves I put my back on the wall and slide down to the floor "Omg" I think to myself "Do I have a crush on him" i say out loud "Did I hear something about a crush" I hear, before I see Niki turn the corner "huh what oh it's you Niki" I say still a little frightened "of course it's me" she said "so who's this crush your talking about?" She said needing to know "um idk it's not that important is it?" I say hoping she doesn't want me to say it "come on will you know that I used to have a crush on nick right?" She said trying to make me say it "wait you had a crush on nick"
I say baffled " not the point will" she said a little a annoyed "ok ok
Fine it's quackity" I say blushing more
"Quackity really!?" Niki said surprised
"Niki what should I do" I say trying not to cry "maybe you should ask him out" Niki said trying to boost my confidence.

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