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The next morning Quackity woke up then walked down stairs to see his father sitting on the couch with a beer in hand, it was 8 in the morning "oi you disappointed get me another beer would you" his father said as he put down the bottle "NO" Quackity said he's never stood up to his dad but today would hopefully be the dad "what did you say to me" his dad said as he stood up looking at Quackity "i said no" Quackity said as he looked at his dad "listen here Alex im your father and as long as you live under this roof you will listen you me" his dad said as he walked towards Quackity with a bottle in hand, Quackity looked at the man shocked he was not used to being called his birth name, "what did you call me?" Quackity said as he looked at his father "I called you Alex your name" his father said getting closer to him "o-ok" Quackity said as he heard a knock on the door most likely Wilbur, he walked to the door his father still looking at him, as he opened the door to Wilbur his father looked incredibly upset with him but didn't say anything "hey" Wilbur said as he walked in "hey" Quackity said in response "Alex who the fuck is this" his dad said as Wilbur walked in "this is Wilbur.. my.... Boyfriend" Quackity said as he held Wilbur's hand Quackitys father looked upset but then sat back down.

Quackity held Wilbur's hand leading him up to his room as they get up to his rood Wilbur turns to him "hey um why did he call you Alex?" Wilbur said as he sat on Quackitys bed "oh um that's my birth name" Quackity said as he sat next to Wilbur with a smile  "OH well its a nice name" Wilbur said as he put his hand on Quackitys looking at him with a smile "thanks" Quackity said with a smile as he gave Wilbur a kiss on the cheek, Wilbur chuckled and laid down on the bed as Quackity went next to him "you know your really handsome just laying there" Quackity said with a smile "oh stop it" Wilbur said as he covered his face blushing

"But come on its the truth" Quackity said as he got up and looked over wilbur with a smile "your to cute" Wilbur said as he grabbed Quackity pulling him down onto his chest as Quackity giggled "will!" Quackity said as Wilbur started to tickle him "What do you not like being tickled?" Wilbur said in a teasing tone as he then stoped tickling Quackity "thank god" Quackity said as he lied down on Wilbur chest again, Wilbur kissed him on the forehead and looked up at the ceiling as Quackity snuggled up to him "hey Q" Wilbur said looking down at Quackity on his chest "mhm" Quackity said as he look up at Wilbur as Wilbur gave him kiss, Quackity blushed a lot

"Why are you blushing Quackity its not like we haven't kissed before" Wilbur said with a laugh as he pulled Quackity up closer to him "yeah i know " Quackity said as he gave Wilbur another kiss with a smile as Wilbur held his hips as they kissed, Quackity put a leg on each side of wilbur so he was now sitting on top of him still kissing, Wilbur's hands rapping around Quackity as they kissed, Wilbur pulled away for a moment before kissing him again pulling him closer by the waist, after about 5 minutes of this they finally pull away from each other "wow" Quackity said a little out of breath "what am i to much for you" Wilbur said in a teasing tone "oh shut up will" Quackity said as he pushed Wilbur a bit "hey I'll tickle you again" Wilbur said getting closer to Quackity

"HEY dont you dare" Quackity said as he moved away "ok ok fine" Wilbur said looking disappointed and crossing his arms, Quackitys dad knocked on the door "Alex go to sleep" his dad said as he then walked away "ok dad" Quackity said as he looked at Wilbur smiling "time for bed then" Wilbur said as he stood up looking at Quackity with a smile "i guess so" Quackity said looking up at Wilbur then hopping into bed as Wilbur went next to him "good night ducky" Wilbur said as he gave Quackity a kiss on the forehead "good night will" Quackity said laying his head on Wilburs chest

The next morning Wilbur woke up and looked at Quackity sleeping next to him as he played with his black, silky, hair,  he looked so cute laying there on his chest, Wilbur smiled down at the boy on his chest as Wilbur stared down at the boy he realised the marks on his wrists as he took a closer look Quackity had woken up "what are you doing" Quackity said as he shot up holding his wrist "oh sorry i thought i saw something on your wrist" Wilbur said as he also sat up "oh um" Quackity said as he looked down looking a bit sad as he held his wrist "you know you can tell me right" Wilbur said as he put a hand on Quackitys shoulder

"Well um" Quackity said as he slip his sleeve showing his scars to Wilbur, Wilbur looked down at the bot as he hugged him tightly "Quackity ill love you no matter what you know that right" Wilbur said as he continued to hug Quackity tightly "you promise" Quackity said looking at Wilbur "promise" Wilbur said as he kissed Quackity again "Wilbur your the best" Quackity said as he hugged Wilbur back. "Oh i know" Wilbur said as he let go of Quackity smiling a lot " your so stupid" Quackity said smiling to "oh come on" Wilbur said well giggling "you know you love me" Wilbur said smiling down at Quackity "yeah i do" Quackity said with a smile.

I hop you liked the story this is my second story story so go read my other one in my profile and im also writing a Dnf fiction so stick around for that

Tell me if you guys got any other ships I can do and have a wonderful day/night

Total word count 11,278

Total word count 11,278

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