Oh no

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Hey just a little thing before the story
To my friend Oscar get ready.

As I'm walking through the school dream stops me "hey do you know where George is" he said panicked "oh he's with Niki at the hide out behind the school" I say trying to get out of this conversation "oh ok thanks will" he says running away
As I'm walking towards the classroom I hear someone shout my name "will will"
I look behind me "oh techno what are you doing here" I say patting him on the back "oh dad wanted me to bring you lunch I know it's a bit late but here" he says as he hands me my lunch "thanks I was starving" I say looking at the time "oh I got to go see you later" I say walking away "see you later" he said also walking away,

I get to the empty classroom and open the door "quackity you in here" I say in a bit of a whisper "yeah~" quackity says "where are you" I say looking around "I'm over here will" I hear quackity say walking around the room, "where" I say before I feel him grab my hand "over here~" he says now grabbing both hands and putting them on his shoulders pulling him in close so their lips are almost touching. " I dont know Wilbur." Quackity says with a smirk " What do you think I'm going to do?" Realising what's happening, Wilbur plays along and quick as a flash grabs him by the waist and pins him against the wall." I think you're gonna kiss me and make me fall for you even more.."

Quackity, taking a turn of being startled and has a stunned expression on his face. Then It quickly changes to a grin.
" Ok how bout we try it Will" Quackity says before pulling him drawing him into a soft kiss. A few minutes later Will pulls back, breathing heavily. " Quackity, Maby we should-" Will manages to get out before Sapnap and Karl walk in holding hands and smiling. Quackity and Will jump apart quickly looking embarrassed. Sapnap and Karl's faces run cold and they take off out of the room.

Will and Quackity look at each other and then to the ground. " Ummmm...." Will says. " This- this was nice." Quackity says still looking at the ground " Ye- yeah it was! Do it again some time!" Will says as a reply " Yeah! Totally!"
Quackity says quickly before taking off out the door. " O-ok I guess!" Wilbur says while running out the door and jumping onto his bike and speeding down the streets.

Quackity's pov: I run out of the empty classroom sprinting down the halls leaving Wilbur and all that we did far behind me. I feel ashamed of what I did but somehow my heart is beating and I seem to be walking on air. As I burst through the door that leads outside I have a realisation. "I love Wilbur!!" I think to myself as I sprint down the footpath. I decide to run home to try and clear my mind. As I run down the busy streets leading home I can't shake the feeling that I can't bear to be away from him. As I approach my house I slow myself until I reach a slow pace. Reaching the big white door of my house, I open it and pass my step-mum without saying a word and run upstairs to my room, sit down and put my head in my hands. I try to drink water, read a book, do my homework (which I never do) but nothing is taking my mind off how I feel. As a final attempt I lay down and cry.

Wilbur's pov: Riding down the street made me forget what i promised Tommy and the others. As I reach the house I park my bike and trudge inside. As soon as I open the door Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all started jumping at me shouting. "Wilbur! Wilbur! Wilbur! Ice cream!" Suddenly I remember. " Oh yeah! Of course! Let me just go grab my money!" I say as I rush upstairs. I shoot down the hallway and suddenly stop when I reach my door I twist the handle, opening it and scouting the room for my wallet. Finally I spot it and rush over to grab it. Then I dart out the door once again and race down the hallway and down the stairs. I see the kids still chanting " Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Walking into the kitchen I say " Ok, ok, ok let's go." I look them in the eye " Race you there!!" I shout before racing out the open door with a pack of children right behind me. " It's a stampede!!" I shout as we round a corner. Finally the ice cream shop comes into view I can see in bold letters ' Emerald Icecreamery' i slow my pace a little bit so as to not let on that I'm slowing down but enough to let them win.

Later at the icecreamary sitting out from with our ice creams, Tommy with the classic bubble gum, Tubbo with chocolate, Ranboo with cookies and cream and me with vanilla. Getting bored of the awkward silence I decide to make some small talk. " so, how was school today?" I ask " Good." Both Tubbo and Tommy answer I wait for Ranboo's answer but it doesn't come, so I nudge it. "Ranboo, how was your day at school?" Ranboo looks at the ground before saying " It was okay I guess but some kid keeps picking on me." I immediately jump into defence mode." Who was it?! What's their name?! Where do they live?!" Ranboo looked very flustered "His name is Purpled and he's very mean to me, he keeps spreading rumours about me and he always brings a spray bottle to school and shoots me with it so I get rashes all over my body, and he snatches my mask off me." Straight away I can feel me face turn red and hot. I have never wanted to drop-kick a child more. "I'll teach you to kick him where it hurts!" I say in anger, a frail expression crosses Ranboos face " But I don't wanna hurt anyone though!" I squint my eyes " Listen here, you are going to beat the absolute living shit out of that little bitch! You hear me!" I say loudly into Ranboo's face. A small tear drips down Ranboo's face and onto his blue denim shorts. He slowly pulls himself up and at a slow pace starts running back home. Then Tommy and Tubbo slowly do the same, looking me in the eyes as they run away. In desperation i trudge over to the near by playground and sit down.

Quackity's pov: When I Finnish sulking I get up and decide to go the the playground so I walk out of my bedroom door and down the hall, into the kitchen and past my dad and out the door into the front yard and trudge out onto the road suddenly the boys run past me, i was about to shout at them for pushing past me when I see one In tears so I decide to forget about it, and start jogging down the street towards the playground. When I arrive at the playground I see Will sitting there I catch his eye and look at him with a smile.

He starts walking towards me he looked sad but I didn't know why "hey will why do you look so sad" I say a little worried all he does is hug me no words I just stand there as he hugs me "I'm so sorry quackity" he says into my shoulder "for what" i say patting him on the back " I'm sorry for all the times I picked on you for all the times I bullied you for all the times I took your beanie I'm so sorry!" He said probably about to cry "will it's ok" I say holding his shoulders "it is but why-why do you forgive me?" He asked "just cause I-I like you and your cool and funny and... hot" I say laughing a little.

"Ha ha very funny" he says sarcastically "hey quackity can I show you something". "Yeah Will what is it" quackity says in a soft voice "follow me" Wilbur says grabbing quackity by the hand it's a long walk to get there but it's worth it

"tada" Wilbur says showing quackity this big treehouse "wow Wilbur what's this" "it's a treehouse that my dad made years ago" Wilbur says looking up at it.

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