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He gestures towards the old wooden ladder leading towards the door of the old rickety tree house and I step forward, looking up at the tree house I start to have my doubts." It's for Will, this might be my last or only chance to win him over!" I say to myself, and with that I move forward and up the old rotting bars of wood. I turn my head back down the tree and see Wilbur right behind me, I smile when I see him and admire the way his brown hair pokes out from his red beanie." Quackity! Quackity keep moving!" He says and snaps me out of my trance. I shake my head and turn back to looking up the tree." I am!" I say sharply and start back up the tree moving faster than ever.

I step through the small door and look around, I see a large shelf covered in books and bored games and cards everywhere, a small kids chair, a big fake leather couch, a little bed, a crocheted carpet on the rotting floor and a mini door leading to a small balcony. I look up and see that despite the tree houses small size the roof is surprisingly high. I turn to Wilbur who is looking around at what used to be his childhood." It's nice in here, Wilbur." I say, he turns his head to look at me." But, what is there to do?" He thinks for a moment before answering." We could play truth or dare I guess." I smile." Sure Wilbur, let's play truth or dare."

He leads me over to the old mouldy carpet on the ground near us. He sits down and I copy him. He pulls a coin out of his pocket and says "Winner asks first!" Before I can argue he yells "Heads or tails?" I proses what he said and say." Heads I guess?" He flips it and says "Tails." I get a little scared " Quackity, truth or dare?" I think. "Truth." He thinks for a moment before saying." Quackity, who's your crush??" Instantly a wave of panic washes over me and I feel my face turn bright red." I-I ummmmmm..." I stutter." D-do you have to know?" I say I little scared." Um, yeah! Quackity, that's what you signed up for when you agreed!" I pause, take a deep breath." Wilbur?" I say looking at the ground. " Yeah...?" He says " I like-" he grows impatient " cmon spit it out!" He yells " I like you okay?!?" As soon as the words leave my lips I regret them. I'm busy sitting in a puddle of gilt and regret when I hear a whisper come from Wilbur bearly loud enough for me to hear. " I like you too Quackity." I freeze, out of all of the things that I thought might happen, this was never in the list. " Why don't we just keep playing truth or dare?" I say quickly " Y-yeah sure." He says in reply.

I smirk, it's my turn now and I know exactly what I'm going to ask him. " Wilbur, truth or dare?" He thinks briefly before responding " Dare, coz I'm not a fucking pussy!" I answer quickly " Alright then, if you're not a pussy..... kiss me!" A broad smile crosses Wills face " Alright bet!" Before I have time to react he has me pinned up against the wall and is staring deep into my eyes. I feel my face turn red as a tomato as I feel his soft hand gripping my waist.

I realise what's happening and feel a wave of daring wash over me as he dose. I pretend I'm stretching my arms and wrap them around his neck, and pull him into a soft kiss. As I press his soft pink lips and kiss him, not the peck on the lips I had meant but a warm, tender, passionate kiss, the feeling of his lips against mine is pure heaven. I pull my arms away from his neck and place them on his hips, then I slowly start to unbutton his shirt. Once his shirt is unbuttoned I suddenly push him onto the couch and sit on-top of him placing one leg on either side of his waist. Slowly, I slip my hands underneath his soft neck and pull him closer, tilt his head to one side and kiss his neck, slowly and passionately, giving him little purple marks all over his neck i slowly make my way down to his chest i move down to the cusp of his pants. I hear something coming from the door moments later Karl and nick walk in i turn around in fear "ok what the fuck!" Wilbur says angry "umm... ok I think we'll leave you guys to it" Karl says before grabbing nick and rushing off down the ladder.

⚠️smut warning⚠️

I turn to Wilbur " Let's continue, shall we?" I say before sliding down his pants, just a little and kissing his soft skin he draws his pants off all the way so just his boxers are covering his 'package'. I start to slowly slip down his boxers and as soon as they are down I can see his boner. I start kissing it as I do I hear Will let out a moan " O-oh Ducky!" He screams "S-stop! Please!" He says I pull away." Oh- I'm sorry, did you not enjoy that Will?" He smirks." No it's just you look so tasty sitting there..." 

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