Nighthawk had stayed at the seawing camp for the day, helping out and learning what he could. He figured he could at least try to earn their trust to prove he was on their side. At least more than Burn or Blaze, for the moment. Lobster had remained by him for the majority of the day, and Tempest kept an eye on him. He stopped under a group of palm trees to get a little shade and to get away from the hot sun.
"Nightwing." A dark blue seawing spoke softly while walking over. "The queen has requested your presence." She glanced up at the male while looking at the cloak. "Aren't you hot in that?"
"It's hot today, and you're wearing.. what I think is a cloak? Must be hot." She suggested and shrugged her shoulders. Her wings stretched out slightly. She flinched when she received a small glare from the Nightwing and she backed up. "Right- my apologies."
"I'll talk to your queen. When and where?" He asked her, easing his tone a bit. Having zero intentions to cause any problems with potential allies, he wanted to remain calm and professional.
"Now, actually. We have a group going, we will lead the way." The female stood taller and turned before proceeding to the Commander. The two talked and soon gestured him over. Nighthawk followed, proceeding towards them. Lobster joined as well.
"Whatcha thinkin? Bet you're excited to meet her majesty! Such an honor it is. Coral is a wonderful queen."
"So I've heard. From what I seen, her subjects seem to have a higher morale than the skywings or Burn's sandwings. They all seem more fear driven than confident like the seawings. I prefer that. Then again, wars aren't about what you want. It's about what you have to accomplish.."
"You got that right." Lobster chuckled and pat his shoulder before walking up to Tempest, rubbing his face on her arm a little. "Are we ready love?"
"Absolutely! Come on Nighty, let's get going." She spread her vast wings, definitely making him feel tiny now. That fear of dragons was natural in humans, and still having some humanity left in him he could sense the dread of that biological reaction creeping up on him. He shook it off, thinking of fear as a weakness to be purged.
"Let's move then." He said as he spread his wings and lifted into the air. Soon enough the group was headed east. Aloft and soaring over the beautiful blue ocean. It was hot out and the sun beat down on his cloak. At least he had some sort of shade to counter the unpleasant heat. They flew for about two hours, and he could tell that the seawings were starting to get tired.
"Just up ahead is the meeting area!" The messenger shouted and shot down towards the island. The others darted down and he followed suit. There were quite a few guards on the island as well, and between them sat the Queen. Queen Coral of the seawings. Her husband Gill was beside her. He landed, keeping his distance from them hoping to keep things friendly. All the seawings bowed to the king and queen, and he soon followed suit.
"This is him?" Coral asked. "Nighthawk, was it?" She walked closer and went to shake his talon to his surprise. Absolutely not expecting this, he slowly reached and shook her talon back but he kept his guard up.
"Yes. Your majesty.." He spoke softly and calm. The Nightwing's deep raggedy voice got a slight look of surprise from the queen. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Indeed." She took her talon back and watched him. "You have quite the record, you're more notable than any other Nightwing that's for sure. We hardly even see them. So I wanted to ask, who are you, why are you helping us specifically?" She paced back and forth, watching him closely.
Nighthawk wasn't a fan of questions, nor big meetings with so many dragons. He was outnumbered in case it went south, but he wouldn't let that happen. "I.. wasn't raised with the others. At all." He said soflty, watching her closely. "I'm not particularly a fan of the desert.. and from what I heard about Burn, and Scarlet, not fans of them either."
"He's telling the truth. He shot down several skywings in a recent battle, and he saved Lobster's life." Tempest added, sitting up and glancing at the Nightwing. The queen paced slowly before stopping, watching the Nightwing.
"How do you know he isn't being secretive?" Coral suggested and inspected Nighthawk. "What are you wearing? Do all Nightwings have those?"
"It's cozy, I don't like being exposed." Nighthawk responded. "If I wanted to find them, I couldn't. And I wouldn't. Heard rumors about em, that they're secretive, they don't talk much, and they're demanding and superior. Not like me."
"Hm.." Coral scratched her chin a little. Then her husband walked over. His tail wrapped around hers.
"I think we should give him a chance, he isn't like any of the Nightwings we seen before, and I agree with Tempest. She's smart, she knows what she's doing. It was her who suggested we meet. I've heard good things about you, Nighthawk."
"Thank you." The nightwing bowed. "Suppose you could say I'm a fish out'a water yeah?" He grinned, and got a small chuckle from Lobster and Tempest.
"Very well." Coral said softly, a little bit of a smile forming on her lips. "Alright, if they trust you, I do as well. I won't let you come to the summer palace just yet. Once Blister arrives, you may meet us there. She would love to meet you as well. She is a wonderful ally."
"Sounds like a plan." Nighthawk said confidently. "Where shall I stay for the time being?"
"You're welcome to stay with Tempest and I until we can find you a permanent place to settle. We have an island home you can use, it's the least we can do for you after you saved me."
"Are you sure?" He asked him. "That's.. quite generous of you." This was good, he liked the seawings already. He knew it would be worth it to make allies with them.
"Of course bud!" Lobster responded, after that he went quiet. "My apologies for interrupting-"
"No no, it's alright Lobster. That was nice of you. Good idea." Coral said. "Perfect, pleased to meet you Nighthawk, I'll evaluate your skillset with the council soon and we can figure out what where to put you. Meeting dismissed." The seawings bowed again, and the Queen and her guards dove into the water to swim away.
"That went well. Let's get going as well yeah?"
"You got it. I'll take you to our island. Let's go." Tempest shot into the sky, taking her partner and the Nightwing with. He finally felt like he could relax and settle down, even if he was about to join a war.

Wings of Fire: Nighthawk
FantasyA scavenger transformed into a dragon faces a new world with new challenges. Losing his wife and son due to a sandwing drug lord leaves him with grief, pain and heartbreak. He must get used to his new life before he can get his revenge..