After catching up and telling everyone about their journey and adventures, Nighthawk and the others began to head to the summer palace. Mojave ended up staying behind since he needed rest and care. It was disappointing for Nighthawk but he understood. They arrived late, nearly nighttime. Tempest led them through the secret entrance into the enormous structure. Once he surfaced all he could see were seawings lining every possible surface.
"Bloody hell.." He muttered and flew up towards the queen's platform. Lobster stayed close beside his sister as they made their way to Queen Coral. "Surprised there's this many dragons here.."
"Well they were excited to see you two home, considering how much you've helped all of us. Especially you, Nighthawk." Tempest said as she flapped. "And you're one of my best soldiers, and friends. I'd hate to lose ya to Burn of all dragons."
"Mm, Burn was quite the character. I'm surprised she didn't maul me right away." Nighthawk shrugged. The four landed on the platform. Lobster stood left of Nighthawk, and Sulu left of Lobster while tempest stood on the right. They walked forward to the king and queen. Nighthawk bowed with Lobster simultaneously. "Your majesties.. it's lovely to see you two again."
"We can say the same for you, Nighthawk." Gill started. "I'm glad you survived and made it home. How very brave of you." He said proudly.
"Yes! It's spectacular, I can't wait to write about it." Queen Coral said. "I want you to tell me everything so I can write a scroll."
"My love, they just got home from being imprisoned by Burn, let's let them settle down for a few days before questioning them." Gill said before chuckling a bit. "And besides, we have medals for them."
"You do?" Lobster asked, slowly lifting from his bow. Nighthawk did the same. He stretched and looked at his friend. He watched Coral walk over with two gold medals with tiny emeralds and sapphires embedded in the shape of the tail of Pyrrhia. They had a dark cloth ribbon so they could be worn.
"These medals symbolize the entire sea kingdom, representing your services to our tribe." Coral said. "I cannot thank you enough for your bravery." She smiled. "Lobster. For fighting battles, saving our commander, and protecting your tribe and home. Nighthawk. For risking your neck for a tribe who isn't yours, defending my dragons and saving Lobster."
"I was just doing my duty, your majesty." Nighthawk said politely with a nod. "I couldn't let him end up as a trophy for Burn, no possible chance." He bowed again.
"Of course." Coral smiled. She walked up to both of them before placing the medals around their heads and necks. Nighthawk felt it rest over his shoulders and on his chest. He picked it up gently and inspected it for a few seconds before setting it down. Coral then offered her talon to him, so he shook it and bowed his head.
"Thank you, your majesty." Nighthawk said calmly. The queen did the same for Lobster and stepped back.
"Tonight we will be holding a feast in your honor. May your bravery be forever remembered in our history!" Coral boomed, and her seawings cheered. He glanced around, smiling a bit. Someone cleared her throat behind them, and when he turned he saw Blister.
"Nighthawk, it's good to see you again. It's come to my understanding that you've captured one of my sister's soldiers, is that right?"
"Captured isn't the word I'd use. More like recruited. He's told me he's glad to tell you everything he can about her, but for now he needs to rest." Nighthawk said. "And he wants out of the war." He added.
"Well that's something, Co-operative. I like that." Blister said with a nod. "Perfect, and welcome home." She said with a slight grin. He couldn't tell whether she was being sincere or not, but it seemed to him she was pleased about something so he didn't care. Blister walked away when Gill began to walk to them. The king sat and shook his talon, and the two exchanged smiles.
"Nighthawk, I have one last offer for you." Gill said with a small sigh. "But I'm not sure if you'll like it."
"What is it?"
"I was going to offer for you and Lobster to stop fighting in the war, since you'd already been through so much. It's entirely up to you, I'd hate to lose good soldiers, but I understand if you want a rest." Nighthawk paused before he looked at him with a small laugh.
"Hah, really? Hm.. that's tempting, but as long as Burn and Blaze are alive, we're all in danger. So as long as I can, I will protect this kingdom. It's my home, you all have been very good to me, and I want to repay you."
"Well that's a respectable decision, Soldier. What about you Lobster?"
"I'll accept. As much as I love fighting along side Tempest, I got a shop to run." Lobster chuckled. "Thank you."
"Of course. I'll leave you all be then, see you at the feast?" Gill asked.
"Of course mate! Why wouldn't we go?" Nighthawk said with a small smile. "Cya there." He said with a nod, and Gill walked off. He turned to Sulu and made his way to her.
"Nighthawk, that medal looks great on you." She teased a bit. "So you're still gonna fight with us ah?"
"Of course. Gotta protect everyone." He smiled a bit. "Won't ever stop doing that. Especially for you." He teased, and the two held each other's talons. Nighthawk and Sulu leaned close before kissing each other. He never felt happier, and he was finally getting the life he wanted.
• • •
Thank you all for reading! I enjoyed writing this little project, it was fun, and it was good to interact with some of you as it went on. As much as I love these characters, all stories must end at some point. I'm proud of how it turned out, and I'm happy you all enjoyed it. I'll be writing more stories in the future, starting with Shadowstalker's! So stay tuned, and have a wonderful day!

Wings of Fire: Nighthawk
FantasyA scavenger transformed into a dragon faces a new world with new challenges. Losing his wife and son due to a sandwing drug lord leaves him with grief, pain and heartbreak. He must get used to his new life before he can get his revenge..