Tempest, Nighthawk and Lobster flew to an island where they would meet with the king and queen. The waves rocked below them as they glided over the sea.
"This is about the maps, yes?"
"Indeed. But she also wants to give you something." Tempest flapped her wings for some hight and speed, shooting past them and leading the way.
"I see." Nighthawk followed and stayed close behind while Lobster remained beside him.
"You should be more excited! It's not often you get an audience with the queen and king."
"No, not 'Hm'" Lobster imitated him with a grin. "More like, Hooray!"
"I don't do well with people, or dragons in power. They either up ruining my life, or I ruin theirs."
"That's uh.. I wouldn't attempt anything violent with Queen Coral. Especially not in the middle of the sea kingdom. You wouldn't leave alive, and I can't promise I'd help you."
"Didn't say I would. Just mentioned it goes one way or another."
"That's the same thing." Lobster huffed a little. "Right tempest?"
"Yep!" She yelled with a grin. "If you hurt any seawings I'll rip ya in half! Done it plenty of times." That was unsettling, it made his stomach churn a little.
"Understood Commander." Nighthawk said with a nod and sigh.
"And besides, Coral is the best queen we've had in a while! She wouldn't let something like that happen to a war hero!"
"I'm not a war hero-"
"Oh be quiet, you saved my life. You saved all those towns! Stop telling yourself that." Lobster said with a significant amount if enthusiasm.
"Uh huh.."
"Aw I think our little Nightwing friend is being a grouchy scales." Tempest joked.
"Alright that's enough of-"
"I think you're right love. You know what he needs?" Lobster said with a smirk
"One of my hugs?"
"Absolutely NOT!" Nighthawk growled and flew away as Tempest tried to grab him. She yanked on his tail and hugged him, which made him squirm a little. "Put me down. IMMEDIATELY! I am NOT a hugger!" He yelled and squirmed more.
"Relax. Think of this as tough love." Tempest chuckled and kept him like that for the rest of the flight. Once they landed he was put some down and he stood on the grass, glaring at her.
"You- How dare you grab me-"
"Calm down. It was just a hug. Not used to hugs?" She lowered her head to him.
"They're stupid, and for softies. I am not one."
"Well maybe someone will come out of his shell and show us his softer side. Even dragons like Shark have one."
"Hm.." Nighthawk snorted and huffed. "No hugs."
"Fine, fine. We're just happy to have you as a friend you know." She nudged him before walking. "Let's not keep the queen waiting. Move it!" She said and walked up the hill towards the royals. The other two followed. Soon they arrived in a clearing and the king and queen were there, as well as a sandwing. It was Blister. He had heard about her, and he wasn't much a fan.
"So this is the Nightwing you mentioned?" Blister asked before walking over to him. He noticed that venomous barb at the end of her tail was ready in case. He stared at her silently, studying her. There was a dagger strapped to her hind leg. "Interesting, never seen someone wear anything like this."
"Yes he's it's quite unique, I must say." Queen Coral said before sitting by her ally. "Nighthawk, it's good to see you. Are you settled in? I heard you joined the army. That's perfect. And I also heard about your success at the battle last night!"
"Yes your majesty. The battle was won, very easy and swiftly. The skywings are no match for stealth tactics, especially against a tribe who can use the water for concealment and see in the dark. Hence why suggested we go at night."
"He is a smart one, my friend." Blister said with a little grin. She got a little closer. "Do you mind if I feel this cloak you're wearing? Never seen anything like it. It must be quite flammable." Her voice was slithery, just as he figured.
"I do mind."
"Oh? Well that's a shame. It must be quite comfortable for you to wear it as often as you do. I've heard quite a bit about you, Nightwing. You're not in your tribe, more brave than any I've seen."
"That's because I'm not hiding away like a bunch of cowards. If they're so mysterious and powerful, then they should come out here and help end the war instead of making silly prophecies."
"You are quite right, Nightwing. They are more than capable of helping. Question is, would they help me?" Blister responded.
"Given you are the smart one, I would say yes. But you never know."
The seawing queen watched for a bit, smiling. "It's good to see you two getting along!" She said excitedly.
"That's one way to put it. Now, we found some charts and maps at the battle last night, attack plans for civilian populations." Nighthawk said while sitting up.
"What!? They can't do that! We can't let them."
"Don't worry, I'm sure our new star soldier has a plan for that." Blister said with a hopeful smile. "Right, Nightwing?"
"I do. Yes. I have a weapon we can use to help defend. I also took all of their maps so they'll have a hard time finding anything. This gives us time to produce the weapons and set up defences."
"I see we have a strategist on our talons." Blister commented. Nighthawk noticed her glance at Tempest with a slight glare, and he saw the large seawing look back with her own disappointed stare.
"I've done these things before, seen it from both sides. I'm ready to help wherever you need me next, your majesty."
"This is perfect! We have another advantage over the skywings." Coral smiled. "I'll be sure to write you into my scroll after we save the world." She beamed at Nighthawk, who fought the urge to roll his eyes and scoff. Ridiculous that was, but he had to tolerate it. Instead, he formed a small grin on his face and looked at the queen.
"Let's get to work."

Wings of Fire: Nighthawk
FantasyA scavenger transformed into a dragon faces a new world with new challenges. Losing his wife and son due to a sandwing drug lord leaves him with grief, pain and heartbreak. He must get used to his new life before he can get his revenge..