Chapter 37: On the Run

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They were free at last. The trio of soldiers beat their wings as fast and hard as they could to get away from Burn's stronghold. In the distance a faint infuriated roar could be heard echoing from the sandwing palace. They must have found out about the escape. Unfortunately for the sandwings, the escapees had a massive head start.

"Did you hear that?" Lobster winced. "They're gonna come for us."

"Yes, but we'll be far enough away by then." Mojave chimed in. "And it's dark out. Nighthawk will blend in perfectly, they know who I am, and you're red enough to seem like a skywing. Works perfectly." The sandwing was right again. Pyrrhia's vast expanse of land was spread out below then as they soared overhead. It was a beautiful sight. To his left, was the city of Possibility, and to the right he could barely see jade mountain. All he cared about was the sea kingdom, his home.

"Thank you for getting us out of there, mate."

"Of course, I wanted to get out too. I was tired of being under constant threat."

"Aye, and I don't want to get stuffed or have my head on a bloody spike." Nighthawk huffed. "I'm lucky she didn't just kill me right away."

"Yes, you are. Not many dragons get that opportunity."

"Right. You don't have any family there do you?" He asked Mojave. That was something he was curious about, this sandwing's family. As they flapped, he saw Mojave shake his head.

"No. They're all dead. It's just me, making my own legacy and trying to survive. That's all that matters to me."

"Hm, right then. Mine is gone too, but I got Lobster, his sister and Tempest."

"I've heard of her, Commander Tempest. One of the few dragons Burn wasn't fond of going up against."

"She's quite huge. Makes burn look like a dragonet in comparison." Nighthawk teased with a chuckle. "She's damn terrifying. A dragon that could grab you, squeeze you a little and then you're dead. I'm glad to be on her side." He huffed and kept flying.

"I bet. We don't have anything like that, Burn is our best warrior, and she's the princess. I've seen her tear dragons apart with just her claws."

"Hah, I watched Tempest use her tail to fling a skywing through a tree. Quite violent, but entertaining."

"Sounds as such, haha." Mojave smiled. "Maybe I can meet her."

"I have a feeling you will." Nighthawk kept flying. Another dragon he was excited to see was Sulu. He'd missed the way her wing brushed on his, of how she fixed his cloak whenever it was wrinkled. He sighed a bit more dreamily than he'd ever want to. He closed his eyes as he thought about

"Oh someone's got the lovey face."

"I do not." Nighthawk scoffed a bit. "Never."

"Oh please, I've seen that look hundreds of times. You're in love, what's her name?"

Nighthawk snorted as he kept flying. If he said it, would Lobster be mad? He flew slowly, thinking to himself. "I uh..just a good friend.." He mumbled, trying to be sneaky. Lobster caught on however.

"Oh, really? You're in love with my sister?"

"What!? I never said that!"

"Nighthawk it's obvious. You don't let anyone touch you but her. You don't even like getting a talon shake from me and I'm your best friend."

"Hmph- be quiet.." Nighthawk huffed. "I am not in love.."

"It's okay if you are, love is a natural happy thing." Mojave said with a smile. "She must be really special to you, I bet." He grinned

"She's uh.. yes.. I can't wait to see her again." Nighthawk sighed. "She's wonderful.."

"Well as her bigger brother, I think you'd make a spectacular partner for her. Not that it's my decision but you'd be good for each other." Lobster complimented. That was a huge relief, because he did care a ton about her. The trio kept flying until they reached a  small canyon in the mountains. Mojave flew down there first. Once they got to it, he went and unlocked a door.

"Alright, this is my safehouse. I was hoping I didn't need it, but here we are. Come inside, there's two beds, I can sleep on the floor. You two must be exhausted and hungry. I can source some food."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Nighthawk asked.

"Look, they know me. I'll tell them I went after you two, they would trust me." Mojave said with a shrug. "They believe pretty much whatever I say. I spent years practicing my speech skills."

"That's a rather useful thing to have. I've used it once or twice to get out of a rough situation. You sure they won't find us here?"

"No, they won't." Mojave said. "The only one who knows about it is me, and you two." He said with a shrug. "So just sit tight. I can find us a deer or something." He started to walk out, tossing Nighthawk the key. "If someone does find you, and they knock anything other than three times, it's not me."

"Aye, got it." Nighthawk caught the old iron key. He inspected it a little before setting it in his cloak. The sandwing walked out into the canyon, and he was gone. "Well, this is cozy.." He said as he looked around. Inside were two beds, an oil lantern and a large chest with a few different maps and notes. He looked at Lobster, who was already laying down in a bed.

"Rest up as much as you need. I have no clue how we're going to get past them tomorrow, so I have to plan." He sat on a bed, Lobster grumbled out a little noise followed by light snoring. He set the crossbow down beside his bed, just it was needed. Fifteen minutes passed, and there were three knocks on the door.

Nighthawk slowly got up to answer it, and as he did he saw Mojave crash into the floor with a knife wound in his back. Standing behind him was the dragon he hated the most, Viper.

Wings of Fire: Nighthawk Where stories live. Discover now