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The sound of vibrations from y/n's phone echoed as its bright screen lit up her dim room. A groan escaped the young girl's lips while she reached out to her nightstand.


Hey baeeeee
Seen 4:48AM

Her eyes took a short while to adjust to her brightly lit phone. Her eyes are still filled with drowsiness, and she fell back asleep almost immediately after reading the message, leaving her chats open.

Buzz! Buzz!

The sound fell deaf to her ears.

Rise and shine n/n!!!!
Seen 4:49AM


Once again, she ignored it.

Seen 4:50


Y/N's still sleeping eyes caught a glimpse of the message she just received. Her eyes widened as she jolted up from her bed, leaving her phone on her rug covered floor.

Y/N! I know you're awake, now get out of bed otherwise we're leaving without you!
Seen 4:51 AM

[Insert sulking cat gif]
Seen 4:53 AM

Y/N walked towards the balcony doors, opening them and welcoming the cold breeze as it kissed her dewy skin. This completely woke her up, and she once again remembered that her friend was calling for her presence. She sighed, walking back into her room and preparing a comfortable and presentable outfit before heading to the bathroom and taking a quick shower.


Calm yourself, I just finished changing.

Our meet up time was 4:30!
[Insert Angry cat gif]

Too early, Zuki.

Hurry here now y/n :<
Liked by Y/N

Y/N walked down the stairs, grabbing her already-prepped luggage for their trip to the beach. Originally, she wasn't going along with them; she didn't find it necessary, especially since she's the only outsider, or at least that's how she felt. However, Zuki practically begged her to tag along. Today is Zuki's family's family day, if that makes sense. To them, Y/N is family, but to Y/N, she's an outsider. She sighed once again, humming while she walked down the block, eventually reaching her friend's house.

Warm smiles and happy waves greeted her as she got closer. She waved back, and yet her face remained emotionless. They didn't mind; that's how she's always been: quiet and reserved, but regardless, she's a kind and thoughtful person.

"N/N!!!!" Zuki squealed in excitement as she jumped on her friend, hugging her tight. "Hello, Zuki and family," Y/N replied back. "How are you, y/n-chan? I haven't seen you in a while." Zuki's mom greeted her with a warm smile. "I've been well, Mrs. Tenma. I hope you have been too." Y/N bowed to show respect. "A-ah.. no need for formalities y/n-chan...!" Her mom frantically waved her hands in front of her. "She's right, y/n. You're family to us." A low and stern voice chimed in from beside her. There stood her husband, Mr. Tenma. "Let's get in the car now, shall we? We've got a long and fun day ahead of us!" He spoke with a smile.

"N/N, let's sit together!" Zuki said with a bright smile. "Of course, that's a given," I replied back as she practically dragged me to the car.



The car door opened followed by Zuki's energetic voice "we're here! Let's go n/n! Let's go!" She ran out of the car and headed towards a cottage where the rest of their family was at and y/n followed behind her. There, you were greeted by the rest of her family. Her twin brothers, elder brother and their eldest sister.

Their parents then arrived, and everyone changed clothes and started having fun. The parents started barbequing, with the twins playing in the sand as their older brother took care of them, their sister sunbathing, and Zuki walking by the shore collecting seashells with you closely following her.

You looked towards the sea, admiring the sun's rays as they reflected on the waters. Suddenly, a glimmer of something trapped within the sand caught your eye. You squatted down, observing it. "What are you looking at?" Zuki's sweet voice filled your ear. "This... something.." You replied back. "What something?" she asked, now squatting down beside you. You rubbed the sand away, and it revealed glass. "Something's inside," you thought to yourself, and you started to dig it out.

"Whoaaaa! A message in a bottle!" Zuki's eyes practically sparkled as she spoke while you let out a hum. Swiftly, you removed the lid and took out the paper. "This feels new. It hasn't been long since it was dropped, I guess." Thoughts raced through your mind, not knowing what to expect.

Once you opened the letter, Zuki raised an eyebrow in confusion. "It's all gibberish. Man, I got excited for nothing," she huffed. "It's not gibberish, Zuki. It's German, although it's very sloppily written," you said as you analyzed the paper, your eyes landing on the lower left corner, "eh? Isn't that...?" Your train of thoughts was interrupted when Zuki posed a question, "Oh! That's an Instagram handle, right y/n?" Her eyes lit up with excitement once again, "Yes, Zuki. It is." You calmly replied, and she gave you a mischievous smile, "I double dare you to DM that account!"

For the first time on this trip, y/n had a visible expression on her face. You looked at Zuki, your eyes practically screaming "no" and she simply giggled at your reaction.


A week has gone by since that incident. Zuki never failed to remind you about her dare and on the 8th day, you finally gave in and messaged the said account.


こんにちは .
Seen 2:38AM


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Hello, Michael Kaiser here and you are?
Sent 9:36AM

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