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I'd like to just say that there was a update regarding the opening of the story, the changes weren't much but if you'd like, why not take the time to check it out? Especially in the introduction where the story details are added. Thank you.





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"Fuck.. why now of all times?"  I sighed, mentally slapping myself  as the whole class turned their heads to the source of the sound. "Miss L/N, Are you using your phone in my class? During a test at that?" My teacher sternly asked. Whispers and feint giggles of mockery accompanied the taps of the heels that her footsteps produced as she approached me.

"Annoying" was all I could think of. This teacher of ours has always been arrogant. Acting all high and mighty, walking as if she owned the place. All while never achieving anything praiseworthy. I sighed, "No, I was not. I simply forgot to put it on silent. I'll do that right no-" I cut myself once my eyes landed on the notification I received.

 New message 1 minute ago

"...who..?" I unconsciously spoke aloud. "Who what? Give me your phone miss." My teacher grabbed the phone from my hand, not holding it firm enough causing it to fall. She stood there, not showing signs of apologizing whatsoever. "So.. are you gonna pick it up or..?" She asked as she rolled her eyes.

I bent down to pick it up, a sigh of relief leaving my lips when I saw that it wasn't cracked. However, the corner in which it landed had a black spot. "Great, dead pixels," I thought to myself, but before I could speak up, my teacher took my phone once again, scoffing at my slow movements. "Detention later, L/N Y/N." Was all she said, telling us to pass our test forward and leave the classroom.


"N/N!!!" Zuki's sweet voice pierced my ears. "I heard your phone got taken away? And you have detention too! Unbelievab-" , "Calm yourself, Zuki. It's not a big deal." I chimed in, "She can keep the damned phone if she wants, and I could care less about detention." My tone was calm and nonchalant; I was aware of that, but it didn't indicate anything.

Zuki huffed, "Seriously, I was worried for nothing!". I gave no response; I simply took out another phone from my pocket. I looked at the notification once again. "Ah, right. That message in a bottle," I thought to myself. "Zuki, 3 minutes before time, I suggest you get going now. And no running in the halls." She looked at the time and panicked. "What?! How come time flew by so quickly?". Zuki is a good person, but she's unbearably annoying at times. "Zuki, whining will do you no good. Hurry, you have history next." I shoo'd her away as she whined.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘺 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 | 𝘉𝘭𝘭𝘬 | 𝘔. 𝘒𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now