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Andy has been asleep for two weeks. I haven't left the room, visiting hours could suck my dick. "Ash?" I opened my eyes to see CC by the door. "Can you please go home? Maybe take a shower? Eat?" I shook my head and closed my eyes. Thats another thing, I wasn't talking either. "Ash please. At least say no." I kept my eyes closed, I felt a little bad. But at the same time I was hurt and just needed my Andy. I heard footsteps and heard a chair being put on the ground. When I opened my eyes CC was next to me in the same exact position, facing me. "Ashley, we are all worrying for you. For Andy too, but for you." I looked at him straight in the eyes. "What if you were in my position and Lauren was going through all this? Would you be at home showering?" My bottom lip was quivering. "Well... I don't know.. I'm not in--" "If you were." "Ash just please--" I cut him off by turning my head and facing Andy. I rubbed his cheek with the tips of my finger and kissed his arm. I haven't kissed him or hugged him in two weeks. I need him to wake up. I was brought from my thoughts with sound of the door opening and closing, CC left. I sighed and grabbed Andy's hand. This was all those doctors fault, they messed him up in surgery. But yet I told him he would be okay..this is my fault too. SHIT! I punched the bed and started weeping. I should've listened to him! I fell to the ground in sobs and heard the door open. Someone came over and lifted me off the ground, and into their arms. I didn't know whose arms they were but they were so comfortable and I just wanted to lay here forever.

After I was calmed down I was just sniffling. I looked up to find out it was Jinxx holding me, I sunk deeper in his arms. "I n-need him Jinxx.. I need him to w-ake up." "I know you do." "What if his lung doesn't heal and they can't wake him up?" "Don't think like that." "What if it happens?" "Ash." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and lifted me bridal style. I fought to be with Andy but he just headed out the door. I didn't have the will to fight and just looked at Andy until a door blocked my view. I was carried to the cafeteria and sat at a table with the gies. They looked at me in shock but looked away when Jinxx glared at them. I was handed a water and a sandwich. I slowly ate it and drank some water before my vision went black.


I felt so bad for Ashley. He was eating his sandwich when he fell asleep. I wanted to laugh at the moment but I couldn't. It was too painful to watch. I brought him to my car and the gies hoped in the back before we drove back to Andy's house.

"Gies we need to keep Ash out if the hospital." "Jinxx thats not fair! Its Andy! I understand why you would want to but you can't. They are in love and keeping him away won't do anything but make it worse." I looked at Jake. "You don't think I know that? I know that Jake! I do! But what are we suppose to do? Let him lay there and die of starvation or dehydration? No." I got out of the car and brought Ashley inside before heading to bed myself. Andy you better wake up.


I woke up in Andy's bed and looked around, hoping this was all a dream. But it wasn't. I slowly got up and realized it was 2 in the morning. I quickly showered and changed before grabbing my keys and heading to the hospital. When I got there I laid back in my spot and looked at Andy. He was of course still sleeping and I couldn't stand seeing him like this. My poor baby, asleep for days in a hospital. This was not going to work out

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