Trouble Comes Knocking

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Laundry day.

Also known as 'wash all my expensive bras day'--'binge watch Marvel movies day'-- and 'avoid thinking about Joshua's waning singlehood' day.

I invited Bud to come hang with me in my basement while I did laundry, but he had to cover two shifts at Gregory's. Well, he didn't have to. But someone needed time off and it's in Bud's superhero contract to save the day, regardless of how shamelessly I pout at him about it.

I must have dozed off on the couch waiting out the last load in the dryer, because when my phone buzzes me awake, it's after 9:30.

Joshua: Can you let me in?

My heart bounces against my sternum as I hover my thumb over the words. 

In where?

The knock at the walkout door makes me jump, but I manage to stifle my scream before it escapes and alerts my parents to ... whatever is about to happen.

I stand up too quickly and blink over the stars in my eyes. I run my hand through my hair and discover a piece of popcorn in it, then scurry through the laundry room and open the door.

It's pouring rain. And Joshua is standing in the doorway, soaked through to the skin, and shivering like a stray dog. "Hey," he says through chattering teeth. "Can I come in?"

I don't know why I'm laughing. Maybe because he looks like a comic strip character standing at a bus stop with his pockets turned out and a rain cloud hovering over his head. "Yes."

He sloshes over the threshold and stops inside the door, dripping puddles.

"Shit, sorry," he says.

"What are you doing outside right now?"

He chuckles. "I thought I'd walk over and say hi. And then the sky exploded."

He reaches up, squeezes the water from his hair, looks at me, and smiles. "Hi."

"Hi." My head is spinning. I tell everyone in it to shut up and mind their own business. Brent, Bud, Tom. Mostly Brent. "Why don't you go in the bathroom and dry off. I can find something for you to wear while you wait for that stuff to dry." I stare at his t-shirt. Clinging to him. His pants. Clinging to him. 

Yeah. Those need to come off.

"Will you..." he eyes the basket full of my clean laundry "...lend me something of yours?" His wet lips curl into a smile, his green eyes flash fire, and I'm in trouble.

The best kind of trouble.

The kind that obliterates virginities.

* * * * * 

Joshua emerges from the bathroom wearing my pink and red flannel pajama pants and my Arts Camp t-shirt from three years ago. It's so worn out it's practically see-through. I chose it very much on purpose.

"Aww, dressing up as Dot." He grins. "I've missed this."

I put my hands out for his wet clothes and invite him to get comfortable.

My heart pounds erratically as I shove his soaking wet clothes into the dryer along with my almost dry ones. I glance down at myself and sigh.

Laundry day chic.

Well, he's wearing girl's pajamas, so I'd say the fashion playing field is fairly level at this point. Since I still have no idea what the hell is happening right now, I consider texting Bud for advice on how to proceed, but realize I left my phone in the other room with Joshua. I guess I'm going in alone ... and unadvised.

That seems unadvisable. But ... here goes nothing.

Did I say nothing?

I mean ... Here. Goes. Everything.

* * * * *

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