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It's 3:15 AM.

He's still here.

We're lying on the couch. Two perfectly matched spoons, curving in and out and around each other. His sleeping breath is on my neck. His arm wrapped around me. Our fingers laced.

And my heart is racing.

I shift my body in front of him, turning onto my back so I can see his face.

His eyelashes are fluttering, reflecting his dreams. I bring my fingers to his parted lips and feel the heat of his exhales, over and over. I let the tip of my index finger press against his bottom lip. His tongue peeks out to investigate the sensation and my stomach quivers. I watch his eyes for signs of waking, but he's still asleep.

I can't sleep. Not when he's next to me. How can I sleep?

My mind conjures a moment, like this one. Only we're both awake, and naked, and there's nothing between us. No space, no air, no distance. Nothing.

I press my lips to the cluster of freckles under his left eye. He doesn't stir.

I run the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip and bite down gently. His mouth wakes up, answering with a kiss, sleepy but tender.

He blinks his eyes open, taking a moment to register where he is and what's in front of him. Then he smiles warmly. "Hello," he says.

"Hi." He can't know what's happening to my body. It's screaming at me to touch him.

"Have I overstayed my welcome?" He scans the room, trying to determine the time.

"No," I say. "I was just ... lonely."

"Oh." He reaches up and brushes my forehead and cheek with his fingertips. "Well, I'm here." That smile again. I'm in agony.

He yawns and unwinds into a fingers-to-toes stretch alongside me. The hem of his shirt creeps up, revealing the pale skin of his stomach and the line of dark brown hair descending into the waistline of his boxers. My fingers twitch, eager to explore the places I can't see. "This is usually the time of night when I'm sleeping," he says playfully. "But you are very alert. Something on your mind?"

So. Many. Things.

All I can do is smile.

He laughs. "Well, please don't ask me what's on my mind right now."

"Why not?" I ask, bringing my hands to his chest, fingering the neckline of the t-shirt I wish he wasn't wearing.

"Because it would shock you," he says.

"I doubt anything you're thinking would shock me." He has no idea what shocking is.

He smiles his beautiful, elfish smile and snuggles up against me, hugging me until I'm back on my side, facing him. Our eyes, noses, mouths, everything.... 

Lined up.

"Who are you?" he asks, his eyes wide.

"What?" I laugh.

"I don't know," he says. "You're like this ... woman now. When did this happen? And why wasn't I here to watch it happen? I missed it. I missed you ... happening."

His face falls and his eyes abandon mine. My chest aches at their retreat.

"What happens now?" I ask, way more sexily than I planned.

Our eyes meet and all the words are there. And the ones that aren't don't matter.

We want the same thing.

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