The Hidden Ninja

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I sit in the cage with Lloyd. We are really close to lava but the ninja save us, well, at least Lloyd. Garmadon is also in this episode, we'll see how it goes.

"Out of my way, fool!" Pythor yellsHe pulls out his prize. "The third Fangblade is ours!" The serpentine cheer, but Pythor sees the ninja in the Blade's reflection. "Ninja? Attack!"

So it begins the ninja trying not to get the volcano active. Kai notices he's surrounded and brings out his weapon, but the volcano reacts to its power.

"Kai" Nya yelled from the mechanical falcon, now that the know it's a robot. "The weapon is compromising our safety."

"I will do what I must!" Kai snapped.

"Let's get out of here! But not before we leave them with a parting gift. Boys?" Pythor commands. The Constrictai dig up some holes making the volcano more unstable. They picked up the cage.

"Their making the volcano unstable!" Zane yelled.

"Any minute, this place is gonna blow. We have to get out of here," Jay yelled back.

"Not without my son!" Garmadon declared.

"Dad!" Lloyd yelled.

"Argh, lose the children!" Pythor commanded. The cage dropped and bounced to the rising lava.

"Ahhh!" I yelled grabbing Lloyd. I know we'll be fine, right?

"Dad!" Lloyd yelled. The cage was lifted and Garmadon let us out and the two in race as I lay on the stairs.

Kai rushes by us yelling, "the fangblade's mine!"

"Come back. It's too dangerous. The whole place is going to explode!" Cole yelled. Me, Lloyd and Garmadon ran back to the entrance.

"Then I better be quick!" Kai yelled. He throws the Sword of Fire and knocks the Fangblade out of Pythor's grasp and impales both of them into wall and Pythor snarls angrily at Kai while he runs with determination. Pythor tries to pull the Sword of Fire and the Fangblade out but no effort.

"Hurry, we must leave here at once!" Skales yelled pulling Pythor. They leave before the entrance is blocked. Kai leaps down to the Fangblade.

"Kai stop!" I yell, tears now for some reason coming out of my eyes, I know he'll be fine but I'm still scared for him. "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!"

"Not without the Fangblade!" Kai yells back.

"Kai please!" I yell. The ground under me breaks, I'm taking the place of Lloyd. The rock under me breaks and I fall to the lava.

"Y/N!" Lloyd yells.

"Go!" I yell.

"It, uh, won't budge!" Kai snaps trying to free the Fangblade which drops to a rock.

"We have to get out of here, or else none of us will get out of here!" Wu yelled. The others quickly exited the entrance blacked.

I'm going to die. No, Lloyd was saved, I should be too.

"Come on, why won't my power unlock?" Kai asked himself.

"Kai!" I yell, he turns to me. "Help me!" Kai looks at me then at the Fangblade before coming to a decision. He gets to me.

"Come on. Let's get out of here," Kai declares wiping the tears from my eyes. "This place is going to blow." He uses Spinjitzu to leap from ledge to ledge but they are surrounded by lava geysers.


"Y/n!" Lloyd yelled once he and the others where on the Bounty.

A ball of fire shoots out of the volcano. It's soon revealed to be Kai and I flying back to the Bounty.

"It's Kai! He's found his True Potential!" Jay exclaimed pointed to us. The two of us land; Kai removes his mask and gives a look of understanding to Wu before his power diminishes and he passes out. The Bounty takes off for open skies.


Up on the bridge Wu had given me tea. We all watch as Garmadon and Lloyd hug.

"Dad, is it really you?" Lloyd asked looking up at Garmadon.

"It is, son," Garmadon declared.

"Dad?" Lloyd asked. "Why do you have four arms?"

"He's gonna be alright!" Cole exclaimed and the ninja cheer.

"Thank you ninja," Garmadon said.

"But Kai how did you survive?" Zane asked. "How did you discover the key to unlocking your powers?"

"I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly, to prove I was good enough to become the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out. All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja. It was... to protect the Hidden ninja," Kai declares. Hidden ninja? He looks at me while everybody else catches on to what he means.

"What?" I asked. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"That means," Nya muttered. She, Kai and Cole bring the weapons in front of Lloyd, and they react by levitating and emitting green lightning.

Then they bring them to me, of all me me. The weapons levitate and emits, well, I can't really tell what it is. I touch it and I feel powerful.

"Lloyd is the Green Ninja and Y/n is the Hidden Ninja. I had thought it would be one of you, but it was them the whole time," Wu declares. "It all makes sense. Not only have you four been chosen to protect the Golden Weapons, but also to protect the Chosen Ones, it explains why Y/n showed up on our front doorstep."

"That means..." Garmadon said realizing something.

"The battle lines have been drawn, brother. Sadly, our family has only become more divided," Wu declares. "Brother versus brother."

"And now, son versus father," I state.

The group develops looks of sadness when Jay breaks the silence, "Hehe, this is heavy and all, but whatever happened to the Fangblade!?"

Pythor happened.

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