The Stone Army

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I yawn walking into the ninjas bed room.

"Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe," Wu laughs as he exits the room.

"Uh, what was that, Sensei?" Cole asked.

"Did I hear an SOS call come in?" Kai asked.

"I sense I need to be somewhere else," Zane declared.

"Lloyd, Y/n, haha. I'm sure you got this, heh," Jay stated. The ninja walked towards the door.

"Aww, you might've been able to dump chores on us when we were smaller, but we're grown up now. That's not fair!" Lloyd snapped. The ninja sighed walking back to us.

"You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp! Okay, on three!" Kai stated. We all put our hands into a circle. "One, two, three!" Me and Lloyd pick rock while to e others pick paper.

"Haha! Paper beats rock!" Jay exclaimed, I'm to tired for this.

"Haha, whatever," I muttered.

"How does paper beat rock?" Lloyd demanded. Lloyd and I prepare to clean up the dragon. "We always have to do the dirty work."

"Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility," I spoke.

"Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?" Cole asked. Misako, I turned to Lloyd.

"I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young," Lloyd declared. I set my hand onto Lloyd's shoulder, I don't know how that feels but, it must hurt.

"She just left? Who took care of you?" Kai demanded.

"I spent my whole life at Darkley's Boarding School," Lloyd declared. "Y/n, what about you?"

"Hey, I have a mission for you guys," Nya declares from above. She slides down the Bounty's anchor. "It's the Museum of Ninjago! They've asked for you guys! Something really strange has happened."

"What?" Kai asked.

"You're gonna have to see it to believe it," Nya declared. Ha, little men! It's that episode!

"Here, Nya. Hold this!" Lloyd stated. He hands Nya his cleaning supplies as long as I.

"Wait a minute. What am I supposed to do with these?" Nya demanded. She looks at the dragon. "Oh."


"Oh, thank heavens you're here!" The curator exclaimed as we arrived at the museum.

"We heard there was an emergency?" Wu stated.

"Yes, come, come. Quickly, this way," the curator lead us down a hall. "The Stone Warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight, and this couldn't have come at a worse time."

"Uh, what couldn't have come at a worse time?" Kai asked. LITTLE MEN THATS WHAT! I can't wait to smash them!

"Ninjago City appreciates your help in destroying the Great Devourer some time back, but it appears its toxic venom has seeped into the city sewer system and has had the most unusual after-effect," the curator declared. We past a man cleaning up the green goo. The ninja gag as I just tip my head. The Curator opens the doors to the gift shop revealing the transformed merchandise. "The toxicity in the venom somehow brought our merchandise to life! They're so unruly. I just don't know who else to call!"

Zane get hits by one of the toys before Jay says, "We've got this covered. I think we can handle a few toys."

"And please, could you contain the fighting to the gift shop? The doors to the new exhibit will be opening soon. Thank you," the curator thanks. He closes the doors and let us do our job.

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