~Event 1-Episode 2: Runway Lessons~

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"Then Kingscholar, Asim and Hearn will be the ones responsible for bringing harmony back to the school." Crowley states. The said prefects, along with Grim who was on Ezera's shoulder as usual, still in his office.

"Why is it whenever something goes sideways in this school, we end up being the ones who have to fix things?" The feline asks with a huff. Ezera had to agree.

"Yes, please leave it to me! Since everyone are in trouble, I want to help." Kalim says enthusiastically.

"I defiantly don't want to do this! Sneak into a boring party, not interested. First of all, I hate lively party and festival." Leona states, clearly uninterested. Ezera himself was unsure about where he stood on this.

"Kingscholar. If Asim or Hearn fail and spring doesn't come... Isn't it you who will be the most troubled as a beastman? If it's always winter, you can't summon your unique magic." Crowley whispers into the lion's ear.

"Plus a large scale of Savanaclaw students are beastman as well, and I bet many of them would be less active when there's a change in temperature. The physical strength of the entire dormitory will drop rapidly. Is it really okay to just let that happen?" The dean adds and the dorm leader looked miffed.

"...Tsk, I guess there's no other way." The lion beastman reluctantly agrees.

"A festival for fairies... I'm looking forward to it!" Kalim says next excited. "Ah, since it's a rare opportunity, can I bring Jamil along with me?" He then asks.

"Yes, please do. Please bring him here, it will be a relief." Crowley actually agrees. "Kingscholar you too, I have a feeling you're gonna slack off the moment we take our eyes off you, so we need someone in charge of monitoring you. Let me see... How about the honest Howl?" He adds and suggests.

"You've got to be kidding me. There are so many of them, but you have to choose the stubborn dog that can't even communicate properly... And if it's that guy..." The beastman prefect says with a tired sigh. "No. Instead, we're picking Ruggie." He then states.

"Mr. Bucchi? Are you sure your motive there isn't having someone who will follow your lead and enable you to slack off?" The dean asks, accusingly. Though, given Leona's character, he might not entirely be wrong.

"Do you trust me or not? If you don't, take me off the infiltration team." The lion beastman says, a little smug.

"How can a student of this school be so selfish, especially a dorm leader, when his dorm is facing a crisis?" Crowley laments. "If that's the case, I will assign you an advisor, ahem, I mean a mediator who will report back to me in a timely manner." He states then turns to Ezera.

"Do you think you can keep an eye on him? Especially considering you'll be doing the infiltration together." He asks/requests, causing the Roma to sigh.

"Yet another absurd assignment." The ravenette boy thinks.

"Oh man, I just thought of something... What's the environment currently like at Ramshackle!?" Grim says, having a point.

"Oh boy, hope it's at least livable." Kalim says in agreement.

"Great, all these herbivores... I'm not some sheep dog, for the record." Leona says with a tired sigh.

"You don't have to be afraid, Leona. I'll make sure to look after you and Ezera!" The albino boy then says.

"Excuse me?" The lion beastman asks, annoyed.

"I see a fight is brewing already. All right, Ezera, listen up! As part of the infiltrator team, you're in charge of keeping an eye on the others and ensure that they don't cause problems at the Fairy Gala." The dean says next.

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