Chapter 38 - Slughorn's Party

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Slytherin VS Gryffindor, this was a big competition between the two. The players came onto the pitches, flying up as the balls were released.

"Let the match begin." Erica smiled as she looked super at the players.

About halfway through the match, Ron was doing amazing. He was defending most of the quaffles so Gryffindor was in the lead by a long shot.

"I still can't believe you." Hermione sighed.

"I didn't do anything." Erica crossed her arms.

"You cheated."

"I didn't."

"You poured the Liquid Luck into his cup."

"I didn't." Erica shook her head.

"Me and Parker saw you, Parker?" Hermione nodded.

"Hm?" Parker blinked, looking away from the match.

"Tell 'Mione I didn't put the Liquid Luck in Ron's cup." Erica tugged on her arm.

"Mhm, whatever she said." Parker agreed with Erica, turning back to the match.

"Thanks Parker, love you." Erica sighed.

"Love you too." Parker hummed.

Erica looked back up at the match, although less interested than before. At the end of the match, Gryffindor had won and the crowd cheered.

"I still can't believe you." Hermione sighed.

"Y'know what? You want to know what I did?" Erica took out the vial, still full,"Now will you stop?"

Hermione looked at Erica,"You didn't use it?"

"No... I didn't use it." Erica shook her head.

Hermione sighed,"Well I'm-"

"We're going back to the common room to celebrate, come on!" Seamus clapped

"A party sounds nice." Erica nodded slowly.

"Let's go." Hermione shook her head and walked off.

When they arrived, the party was already underway and Erica couldn't see Ron. That was... Until he saw Lavender kissing Ron in the middle of the room.

Erica rolled her eyes and turned, only to see Hermione running off Parker quickly ran after Hermione, finding her at the bottom of the stairs crying. Some butterflies were flying around her head as Parker hugged her side.

"Ignore him, he's an idiot." Erica shook her head, following the pair.

"Why- Why would he do that?" Hermione whispered.

"Because he's stupid." Erica pointed,"And I'm going to have some choice words with him later."

"The butterflies are cute." Parker smiled softly.

"I've been practicing." Hermione rubbed her eyes.

"He's a stupid boy, you don't need to worry."

"Do you want me to hit him for you?" Erica asked.

"No, no violence." Hermione waved them off.

"I'll speak as nicely as I can to him." Erica sighed.

"Thank you." Hermione nodded.

Erica smiled softly at Hermione before heading back towards Gryffindor Common Room. Ron and Lavender had split, Ron walking over to Erica.

"Gonna explain what that was?"

"What? I was kissing my girlfriend.' Ron shrugged.

"Girlfriend?' Erica blinked,"You're official? With Lavender Brown?"

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