Chapter 44 - Separation..?

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Over the next few weeks the Herd had been setting up camp, trying to survive in the woods with the knowledge they had.

In the tent, Hermione was cutting Harry's hair as it was due a haircut. Ron was sleeping on the bed, Parker and Erica were reading through some old books to gather information. Erica was also trying to work an old radio they found.

"I'm close.' Erica shook her head.

"You're getting there." Parker nodded.

"I know I am, look at it." Erica tapped it.

"It's working." Parker pointed, looking up from her book.

"I'm proud of my work."

"Oh my god." Hermione realised,"The sword of Gryffindor, it's Goblin made."

Harry nodded slowly,"Yes. Yes it is."

"You don't understand. Things like rust don't affect it. It only takes in what makes it stronger... You already destroyed a horcrux, Harry."

"So to destroy the locket, we need the sword." Harry realized.

"That's why the sword was left to you by Dumbledore." Parker pointed.

"You're brilliant Hermione, truly." Harry held her hand.

"Hey, have we figured something out?" Erica asked.

"We need the sword, but it's been-

The lights in the tent then got taken by the deluminator before they returned,"The swords stolen... Yeah, I'm still here- Don't mind me, you guys keep the fun to yourselves." Ron held up his hands.

"Ron, it's not like that." Hermione shook her head.

"Don't expect me to be grateful because now there's another thing we need to find and risk our lives for." Ron spat.

"I thought you knew what you signed up for." Harry sighed.

"Yeah, I thought I did to." Ron nodded.

"What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you really think we'd be at a five star hotel? Find a horcrux every day? Thought you would be back with mum for Christmas?" Harry pointed.

"I just thought that by this time we would've actually achieved something." Ron scoffed,"I thought Dumbledore would've told you something worthwhile, that we would've had a plan!"

"I've already told you everything Dumbledore told me, and you're wearing a horcrux, are you not?" Harry gestured to the locket that was around Ron's neck.

"Yeah, and we're about as close to getting rid of it as we are finding the other ones." Ron pointed.

"Ron, take off the locket. You've been acting like this since you've been wearing it-" Hermione went to hold Ron's arm.

Ron pushed her away,"You want to know why I listen to that broken radio every night? It's to make sure i don't hear Ginny's name. Or Fred. Or George. Or mum."

"You think I'm not listening too?! You think I don't know how you feel?!" Harry scoffed.

"No, you don't know how this feels!" Ron snapped,"Your parents are dead! You have no family!"

"Ron... Ron, that's enough." Erica stopped towards him.

"Don't even, Erica!" Ron pointed at her.

"That's it- Go! Go!" Harry shouted.

"Fine then, I will." Ron began to gather his things.

"Ron, please- You can't leave." Erica shook her head.

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