Caring love, Pain of love

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Gaara woke up in the middle of the night walk out of his house the climb the roof of his office then he notice their is still lights on the office so he take a small pick on the window...
It was you staring on your pictures on his shelf your tears are flowing down your cheeks then both of you remembered your
break up.

~Flashback ~

Gaara has been too busy, too stress and a bit moody so the results are multiple fights with him but in the same time even if his annoying you still love him so much you never thought of leaving. You even thought his cute when his angry that's why your little fights always fix before the day ends or so you thought 'cause this one is a bit overboard for you. He got  jealous to your friends; Yes friends 'cause he thinks your having so much fun almost way to fun with them than being with him 'the boring busy kazekage' his words not yours. You did have fun but its different cause they are just friend not a partner and of course you are happy, you love them but you still love him nevertheless and you didn't even thought of leaving him. Then he keep on telling you that you have someone else. And just like that it was like a que for your anger to start, you were very hurt and angry like you want to go on rampage but you don't want hurt him so you walk out but suddenly a strong hand is holds you firm and tight. You look back and all you can look at was his eyes, his every angry eyes then the sand push you and pins you on the wall, the sand is gripping your hand much tighter than Gaara's gripped you, all of the sudden he walk in your direction he suddenly stops right in-front of you then hugs you like he wanna kill you by his hug then he kiss you but you didn't kiss back and that only made him furious, he kiss your neck while ripping your blazer off.

All thats running through your mind was He can't be. He would never do anything that would hurt me. right? that's when it hit you. He is hurting you.
your tears unvoluntary falling from your eyes...
Yes you are a ninja, a very skilled ninja but you love him and you don't want to hurt him...
But this is too much for you...
Too much for love...
So you teleport at the back of Gaara because maybe just maybe you can fix this like you always do but Gaara only pins you again on the floor then the smoke began to cover the place then he notice its only a shadow clone...

~End of the flashback~

You collapse on the floor then you heard someone is calling out but you cant understand what he or she is saying 'cause you are to exhausted.
And that someone is  him.
Your most beloved kazekage Gaara. He was watching you, he feel sorry for what he have done he want you to know that his sorry but your locking yourself down from everyone. He just want you back 'cause he loves you and your the only one who understand him.
He grab you before you hit the floor he got you but your still unconscious so he carry you in his arms like he use too and that's when he realize how much he miss to hold you so close to him. He ran to the nearest hospital after the doctor check you up the doctor walk out the room to talk to Gaara. He said "Miss (Y/l/n) is too exhausted she need to rest and eat. I believe she haven't slept or eat for days now so i suggest for her to stay here for 3 or more days". Gaara just nodded then make his way to your assigned room pull a chair right next to you hold you hand then said "(y/n)...I'm sorry...I'm very..very sorry...I'll do anything just came back to me" he said in between his sob then kiss your hand and letting the tears fall in his lonely eyes.
"be mine again" he whisper in your ears.
Then the morning came you woke up you are in a shock Gaara is holding your hand and sleeping but before you can react someone knock and immediately entered the room it was Mac your only friend so technically best friend in the whole town.
"(Y/n) why is he here?!" He said.
"I have no idea..."
"Hey Mac can you ask the doctor if i can go home please..."
"OK I'll be back in a bit" he said still worried then you attempt to slide your hands to be free from his hands but you fail 'cause you just wake him up.
"(Y/n) how do you feel?"he said.
"Let go."you said in monotone and avoiding eye contact.
"What?"he said.
"NO....please i cant-"you cut him by saying "Please just let go!" then tears fall in your eyes.
Mac enter the room then grab you in the arms and you started to walk out when Gaara broke the silence and ask "(Y/n) can we talk please..." before you can react Mac said "Come on man cant you see she still afraid of you! Of what you have done!" you look back and said to Mac that its alright and that you will talk to him.
He doesn't want to leave you two alone knowing what he did it doesn't matter if he's the kasekage, Mac doesn't trust him. In the end he left the room.
Now Gaara and you are now alone.
"What?" you said.
"P-please forgive me...I'll do anything just to be with you again...i..i really love you please don't give up on me (y/n)."

"I...I loved you so much. I gave you all of my attention.
I tried really hard to understand you. I loved you so soooo much...much more than what you think.
But now....I really don't know...."

He walk closer to you and reach your hand but you step back.
"So you are really scared of me now..." He said in a very sad tone just like when you first saw him.
"Gaara i want you to know that I...want to think this over..." after that you walk out of the door and run to Mac.

Mac and you were like siblings. He always looks after you and seeing you like this hurt him more than it hurt you.
He hug you then you cry your knees began to get weak 'cause your too scared of Gaara but it also hurts you to see him like that.
After 3 days its time to go home you and Mac are packing your things then someone knock the door so you opened it there's a flower again its from Gaara.
Mac said "flowers again?"
You said "yes... "
Gaara has been sending you flowers this past days.
You notice a card on the bouquet so you pick it and read.
(Y/n) I will always wait for you I hope someday you'll be mine and I'll be yours again.
Patiently waiting for you
"...." you breath heavily.
Mac noticed and walk and hugs at your back. He knows what you feel 'cause you tell him every thing.
"Mac I want to go to my mom in konoha."
"I'll come with you" Mac said
"No please don't.... I don't want you to leave Lucy your relationship just started I don't want you to be like my miserable lif- "

"hey don't be mean to your self..."

"sorry my point is don't leave Lucy. Okay... I'll be leave tomorrow night...I want to say goodbye to some of my colleagues here." you said will smile at Mac hug you tight while crying.
"Hey... Mac I'm not yet leaving...hey my shirt... Mac my shirt...its wet."
he said will letting you go "Sorry (y/n) I just....I don't want my lil sister to leave.."
"JUST promise me don't forget about me and.....and..-"you cut him by kissing his forehead then you said "I'll be alright and you will be alright too...Don't worry about me okay?
I will miss you too Mac... I just want to clear my mind for a while. Don't worry ill write you a letter...okay?" then you smile so he smile back at you.

I'll try to upload it as soon as possible...
Please wait for it...

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