♕ Chapter Thirteen

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"She's going to be alright."

"I don't want to hear just 'alright', Petra," I seethe through my teeth. I settle my haughty gaze upon her, not caring if her shoulders stiffened under my glare.

I still couldn't relieve myself from those deafening  screams I heard mere minutes ago. It was not something you'd expect from what's supposed to be a typical afternoon. I was walking down the hall in search of Hanji when I heard her. I heard Emma begging for everything to stop, I heard her wails and sobs.

Not only that, but I found her in Erwin's office, holding her head between her hands while Erwin stood there and watched, stone-faced. I swallow thickly, I have yet to acknowledge my commander whom stood behind me against the wall.

I grip the railings of the bed, "This isn't normal, Petra," I state firmly. "Give me a full report."

"I—I only just saw her now," she stammered with her arms crossed behind her. "I would need to—-"

"I didn't ask for excuses!" I snap. "Tell me what's wrong with her!"

"Levi." A large hand clasps over my shoulder, as if trying to bring me back to reality. But I was living in my reality. I was here before Emma, who laid unconscious before me.

I knew of her nightmares and knew the affect it has on her. But this was different. She never cracked in front of others. Just me.

But it was her screams and her wails that seemed different. She didn't cry out of despair but out of fear instead. It's been a while since her nightmares miraculously stopped. There were no tears, no screams, no sleepless nights. It was as if she had thrown herself back in time and was stuck with no way out.

I don't bother glancing over my shoulder, he didn't deserve a second of my time. "Stay out of this, Erwin," I warn. "This doesn't concern you."

"She's my lieutenant," he presses. "It concerns me just as much as it concerns you."

"Um, Captain. . . if I may," Petra treads hesitantly. I almost wanted to laugh, she cowered before me like a wet kitten. If only if she followed orders the first time, I would not be in this state.

I watch her closely as she walks towards Emma. I felt my senses heighten when she gently presses a hand over her forehead. I know of Petra's dislike towards Emma all too well.

I wasn't exactly comfortable with her near Emma, but she was the only one here in the medic center. And she had to do.

"I think, from observation of course," she adds quickly. "There is something wrong with her mind."

I narrow my eyes as I shake off Erwin's hand. "I know that much."

She swallows thickly, "Yes, but I believe it goes deeper than that. What you have described to me shows signs of serious post-traumatic stress. Her memories they keep colliding with her reality, I believe she's confusing with what's real and what isn't."

I click my tongue in answer, post-traumatic stress. Such a common disorder among our fellow Scouts. It's an unfortunate outcome from leaving the confined safety of our walls to fight for their lives. And I knew Emma suffered from it. I recast my gaze upon her unconscious form, how much worse could it have got?

"I'm sorry, Captain," Petra sighs. "That's all I can say from mere observation and the information you gave me."

"How do you cure it?"


"How do you cure PTSD?" I throw her a heated glare as I growled my words. Though despite the heavy tension layering the room, Petra didn't squeak like a mouse. Instead she shakes her heard giving me such a pathetic yet solemn look.

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