special 1: Tear of the kingdom.

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[This Special is non-canno]

In a shopping mall we can see our three favorite Kamen Riders, Y/n, Chaelse and Karla. And you probably wondering what are they doing in a shopping mall? Well the reason is simple, because of a simple video game and that was the sequel of breath of the wild in other words Tears of the Kingdom.

And right know they are waiting for the video game shop to open and for the moment they playing Breath of the wild on their own costume Nintendo switch. Y/n's switch is fully a silver color and on the back has Zi-O logo, For Chalsea's switch is fully white and has Tsukuyomi logo, and for Karla's switch is fully Pink.....

 Y/n's switch is fully a silver color and on the back has Zi-O logo, For Chalsea's switch is fully white and has Tsukuyomi logo, and for Karla's switch is fully Pink

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I mean Magenta... her Nintendo switch is fully Magenta and have Decades logo...

Yeah... I wasn't been treated at all after I mistaken her Nintendo Switch color...

(Meanwhile Karla was pointing her Ride Booker in gun form behind of my head)

Anyway you probably wondering why their Nintendo switches have their logo and this will expose their secrets. Well is not because after the Zi-O show up and defeated the Noise that appears he was recognize as public figure and that includes Tsukuyomi and Decade as well. And some companies started to use their logo on their products and that includes video consoles as well.

Karla: how long until they open up?

Y/n: over an hour.

Chalsea: I hope they open soon.

Karla: I agree, I have been waiting for years for the sequel.

Y/n: and you aren't the only one.

Chalsea: sadly Kelly and Crystal couldn't make today.

Karla: but why they couldn't come?

Chalsea: Kelly have a swimming meet today and Crystal have a meeting on the archery club.

Y/n: yes but they ask me if I could get a copy for them.

Karla: oh that just gr-

Chalsea: I freaking hate you SILVER LYNEL!

Y/n: did it kill you?

Chalsea: yes!

Karla: huh... who will ever thought that Chalsea the most calm, innocent and cheerful person will ever scream at a.... FUCK YOU SILVER LYNEL!

Chalsea: where you saying?

Karla: shut the fuck up.

Y/n just smile and continues with his game and kill the Silver Lynel on his own game.

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