OC of the Month

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New thing...xD

OC name- Spotstar
Spotstar was my NOOK OC. He was Leader of his Clan. Sadly I forgot the name. He was first known as Spotkit, born to my old character Hawkfeather and Cheetahpelt((Who vanished a moon before.))

Spotkit became an Apprentice, advancing through stages with integrity and calmness. He was a wise-minded soul, and at 12 moons, Became Co-Deputy for his clan. Many disliked this fact, But Spotfang ignored them. At around 14 moons, Spotfang moved into full Deputy, and at 15 Moons, He became Spotstar. His mate was the former Leader, who vanished the moon after he became Full Deputy. ((She was Deputy before him while he was co-deputy.))

Though Spotstar was devastated, he led his Clan until retirement. He died a few moons later due to natural causes.

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