𝐈. 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐤

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   " Alright, wait here

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" Alright, wait here. I'll get Miguel."

Peter W. Parker (¹st Spider-Man from your Earth) spoke with a soft expression. Before you could request to go with him, you were left in HQ's main room. You huffed and crossed your arms. This was your first official visit to HQ and the Spider Society in general.

You became the newest Spiderman: Gold Web, a few months ago when a villain blew up the genetics lab which contained the Spider's that gave Peter his powers. Fortunately, some how, one had landed on your shoulder and bit you later on.

As of now, you saved New York countless times alongside Peter. This brought you here, waiting awkwardly for Peter to come back. You glanced around, there was a few Spidersona's. You hoped they didn't find you weird for just standing there like a fool.

You waited impatiently until one of the Spiderman's caught your eyes. His back was turned but he seemed to searching for something in the...wall?
You tilted your head to try and take a better look. At that exact time, he turned to see if someone was watching. 'Lucky' for you, you made eye contact.

You flinch as he turned around. He had a spiked mask, a jean jacket, and cool boots. You were amazed by how unique his Spider suit was. Your spider senses started to tingle as you kept looking at him for some bizarre reason. He also seemed to get them as his eyes twitch slightly matching yours. He tilted his head to the right slightly.

" Where is she?"

A voice boomed in the room. You flinch and turned your head away from the individual and towards a door. Peter and Miguel stood there. You gulped slightly, intimidated by Miguel's harsh glare on you.

" This is (Y/n)!"

Peter grin. Miguel seemed spectacle as he frowned. You were unsure of what you were supposed to do. You felt like a newby who just learned how to shot web. Miguel went down the dark stairs and placed a rough hand on your shoulder.

" Welcome to the Spider Society. Peter has told me much about you, and I'm sure your qualified for the job. Here, Peter must explain how to use the gadget. I have to do some work."

Miguel gave you a single pat on the back before leaving with his stone cold face. You looked down at the gadget before raising it in the air.

" Is this what you use to come here?"

You asked Peter, he just gave you one of his lazy smirks and nodded.

" The one and only. You've already seen me use it so there's no need for explanation."

He shook your shoulders faintly. You raised a brow. Sure, you had seen him use it but from afar. You had a slight idea but not clear enough. You turned to ask Peter a crucial question, however, once you turned he wasn't there.

𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐧 •° 𝐇. 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐱 𝐅.𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 °•Where stories live. Discover now