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As you got dressed your phone buzzed and you decided to hurry.
"Hey mom, you said steve left already?" you yelled to your mom.
"Yes child thing," she said being the b!tch she is. You grabbed your backpack and walked out of your old room from when you were little.
You arrived at Hawkins high school and saw Steve standing with a girl. She walked away before you could get over there.
"Steeeeve," you called out to him. He froze and stared at you.
"Y/N?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Aren't you surprised?" you said excitedly. He rolled his eyes and leaned back on a brick wall behind him.
"Prick," you said to him. Two boys a little younger than you walked up to you and Steve.
"Hi, i'm mike and this is my friend Dustin," one of them said.
"Steve, who is this extravagant lady?" the other one said.
"This is my...sister her name is Y/N, and if I were you I wouldn't try dating her," Steve told them.
"Why?" Dustin asked.
"She has a thing for the freak," Steve replied.
"You mean Eddie?!" both of them said.
"Speaking of Eddie, where is he and are one of you gonna show me around the school?" you asked.
"I'll walk you to Eddie," Dustin said.
"Thank you Dustin!" you told him. He smiled and his face got pink-ish.
"Follow me," he said walking to the doors of the school. We were stopped at the door by a guy with a mustache and medium length hair.
"Hello beautiful," he said.
"Dustin, who is he," you whispered to Dustin.
"Thats Billy," he replied.
"What are you doing with this freak?" Billy asked.
"Taking me to Eddie Munson," you told him.
"Why?" he asked. You laughed and walked past him. Billy watched you looking at your butt.
"Dustin, lets go," you yelled. Dustin runs after you and you look at him.
"Where is Eddie?" you asked. Dustin points to a really small crowd of about four or so people. You saw Eddie standing in the corner smiling. You started running to him. One if his buddies bumped his shoulder and pointed at you. He looked at you confused and surprised then ran to you.
"Y/N!" he said picking you up by your waist and spinning you around. You laughed as he did this but you looked at him with tears of happiness in your eyes. He put you down and hugged you tight then looked at you.
"Little Harrington is back in Hawkins," he said smiling. You looked at him and he realized you were wearing a crop top and low waisted ripped jeans. He let go of you took his jacket off and put it on your shoulders then buttoned it up to where no one could see your stomach.

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