Test Tube x Fan SFW - Boring News

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-setting: mostly test tube's lab- (p.s. everyone is really out of character because this is when I started watching Inanimate Insanity.)

link on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47844205

"Oh, and Baseball?" "Yeah?" "Can you work on that other one on the left please?", Test Tube requested. She and Baseball were fixing something of hers and they were nearly finished. Normally, she would've asked Fan or just anyone that wasn't being a total dickhead that had arms, but they were all 'busy' and Baseball was the only one available. At this point, they've even become close friends.

"Sure.", Baseball mumbled and obliged. Baseball, unsurprisingly, hadn't been too buoyant about his best friend's departure. Nickel's elimination sort of clung to him; haunted him. After all, they had been friends for several years, but now they were separated. As Baseball started helping Test Tube with her aircraft type thing, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a small, red, triangular thing. Without even directly looking at it, Baseball immediately knew who it was.

"Oh hey, Fan!", Test Tube exclaimed happily. Fan smiled but still looked sad like he was missing something. Baseball didn't pay too much attention, however... he was just too jealous that everyone else got to see their best friend whenever they wanted.

"What's wrong, Fan?", she asked as she dropped her tools and ran over to him. "I've been thinking more and more about... the egg. What if they get stolen again? What if someone else comes along and finds them on Mars again?", Fan spat out the second thing that was on his mind. The first he was too afraid to admit. For a long time now, he's had a burning hole in his heart that he wanted Test Tube to fill. He liked her but was timid to say it. He'd thought about writing his feelings down on paper but, to him, that wasn't the most honest thing to do. The only thing left was to just say how he felt.

"Oh, Fan.", Test Tube placed her hand on Fan's shoulder. "The egg is safe with its family, it'll be fine. Stop worrying.", she smiled as she took her hand off of his shoulder. "Wanna help me? Baseball isn't doing too much of a good job.", she pointed out. Baseball scoffed as he got up. "You could've just told me. I would've gladly stopped helping.", he said sourly as he started walking away.

"What's his problem?", Fan asked lightly as Test Tube shook her head. "He's just mad that Nickel's gone.", she shrugged, taking Fan's hand to lead him to her aircraft creation. With a blush tinting his cheeks, Fan let go of her hand once he was near the craft and lightly dragged it down the side of it. "This looks beautiful already.", Fan smiled.

Test Tube chuckled and stood beside him. "It's far from finished.", she sighed, going back around to the side of the creation, and picking up one of her tools. Fan followed "W-wait.", he stopped her as she looked up at him. He had to tell her. This feeling had been eating away at his heart for too long.

She was only a foot away from him. "Yes?", she asked, gazing into his eyes. "There's something I need to tell you.", he started, sweat pouring from his forehead. Test Tube raised one of her eyebrows, Fan hesitating. "Um...", Suddenly, he leaned in and smashed his lips into Test Tube's, catching her by surprise. She stood there for a solid 5 seconds, Fan anticipating her to pull away and tell him how much she hated him, but instead, she did the opposite.

Test Tube kissed him back, closing her eyes and eventually snapping out of her daze.

"I... love you.", Fan whispered between kisses, wrapping his arms around Test Tube's waist while Test Tube did so around the back of Fan.

She just smiled into the act of passion as she pulled Fan closer to her. "Hm~", he moaned.

"Hey, Fan!"

Fan quickly pulled away to look at who said his name, afraid of being caught. "Y-yeah?", he turned around, his eyes being met with Baseball staring down at him. Fan glanced to the side of him and saw Nickel, not bothering to question it.

"Oh, Baseball... uh.", Fan then felt a breath go down the back of him as he shuddered. "T-Test Tube...", Fan whispered, Baseball smirking. (I'm not turning this into Fan x Baseball x Nickel x Test Tube, I'm not that cruel.)

"Hm.", Nickel hummed, eyeing the two of them. He then nudged Baseball, who got the message. "Well, I guess we better leave you two alone.", Baseball never dropped his smirk. "Don't be so loud when I go to get a drink from that vending machine later.", Nickel furrowed his eyebrows as he and Baseball turned and walked back to the hotel.

Fan let out the breath he had been holding. "D-don't listen to them.", he watched as Test Tube walked around to the front of him, grabbing hold of his hands. "I'll only listen to you tonight.", she smiled.

Fan smiled back.

"Do you wanna... take this to my lab?", Test Tube asked. "Oh. Yeah sure.", Fan chuckled, letting go of one of her hands.

Then, the both of them walked hand-in-hand towards Test Tube's lab/vending machine, not worrying about the silence that was between them. It lasted only a few seconds before Fan spoke up. "Are we going to keep this a secret, or...?", he asked as Test Tube chuckled. "You always post everything about everyone so keeping this a secret would be hard for you.", she replied as Fan shrugged in agreement.

Eventually, they reached Test Tube's lab as she typed in the simple code until they were sucked up into the machine.


"You've never actually been to my lab, have you?", she asked as Fan looked around. "What's this?", Fan pointed to a substance that looked like marble in a vile, almost touching it. "D-don't touch that!", Test Tube gently clutched his hand and pulled it away. "It could kill you and then I'd be lonely.", she pretended to pout, Fan rolling his eyes and smiling. "Fine, I won't touch it.", Fan turned back around and gazed at a shelf. "What's 'Experiment 11?'", he asked, curious when it started changing colors. He was surprised.

"Oh, that's among my first ever experiments. It changes colors when you look at it.", she explained as she stood beside him and clutched his hand. Fan lightly smiled. "What do you want to do now that we're in your lab?", he asked as he gazed around the room again, marveling at all of the equipment and experiments. "I have an idea.", Test Tube then started walking, leading Fan along with her, headed towards the living room.

There, was a couch, a cat-cornered table, a lamp, and a TV resting centered on two cabinets. Fan looked confused. "Is this a living room?", he asked, Test Tube nodding. They both sat beside each other on the couch as Test Tube reached over to grab the remote that was on the small table beside the couch. She turned on the TV, millions of pixels illuminating to form the scene of a man in a suit talking about a fire that happened recently. The news.

Test Tube, unfortunately, had left it on this boring news channel, glancing over at Fan to see the disappointment on his face. "I can change it if you want." "N-no it's fine.", he replied, resting his hands politely in his lap. "I like the news anyway."

They both sat there for almost a minute, an awkward silence filling the gap between them before Test Tube made the gap smaller as she shifted herself towards Fan. Just a small shift. Not enough to catch Fan's attention, so Test Tube decided to challenge him by shifting another time. This time, a bit harder.

Fan looked to the side of him, confused about what Test Tube was doing. She sheepishly smiled at him before she turned on her side to face him and placed a hand on Fan's chest, leaning her head on the couch as she snuggled into his "neck".

Fan froze.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether he should say something or not react at all. He had never been in this situation before.

Test Tube hummed, feeling Fan sneak his hand around her back to hold onto her. She relaxed. "I'm tired.", she announced, yawning thereafter. Fan gently rubbed her back, patting it a few times, until she eventually had fallen asleep, a soft, pleased smile on her face. "Goodnight, Test Tube.", Fan whispered as he pecked her on the lip of her vile, leaning his head back to close his eyes, and finally drifting off to sleep as well to the sound of the TV. 

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