Pickle x Knife NSFW - Tangled Up in a Mess

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-setting: hotel oj-

(this one is pretty old)

Knife's POV

I shifted, feeling warmth on my bare skin. It didn't feel like my blanket, however; it felt... hot. It felt as if it was burning my skin, but... in a good way. This warmth felt comforting. I didn't know what it was, and I was too tired to come up with a theory on what it was in my sleep, but it felt like a person. A person. I shot my eyes open, my sense of touch and consciousness coming to life again as I felt limbs. Limbs. Mine and someone in front of my face's limbs all tangled up in a mess. I made a gasp as I untied myself from the other rope, causing them to groan and as if on cue, unintentionally wrap an arm around me. I froze in my position; almost on top of them. My face went a bright red once I realized who it was, my breathing starting to pick up the pace. It was Pickle.

"Shit.", I whispered, hearing him sigh and snuggle his face into his pillow. My heart pounded, my headache being the outcome. 'Great way to start a morning.', I thought, sighing as I gazed at Pickle, smiling a bit. I inadvertently placed a hand on his cheek and gently stroked it. "You're such a cutie.", I whispered lowly, hearing Pickle groan again and reposition himself. 'Fuck, what am I doing?', I drew my hand away from my friend's face, running it through my hair as I tried to pretend like I knew what I was doing. I clenched my teeth out of perturbation, as I very leisurely and gently got off of Pickle so I wouldn't wake him up.

I obtained a shirt from on top of our dresser and slipped it on. I wasn't even going to question why or when Pickle and I had encompassed ourselves around each other like that, but to be quite honest, I would've loved it if I were Pickle. Having a shirtless man above me stroking my cheek is a dream that I would very much like to have. I smirked and glanced behind me at Pickle peacefully sleeping on my bed like nothing even happened before I walked out the door, closing it behind me.

I strutted down the hall and the stairs, a pleased expression plastered on my face as the halls were empty, except for Paper and OJ making out at the front desk with Fan and Paintbrush watching and snickering. "Dumbasses.", I say softly as I chuckled, slightly jealous of the fact that Pickle would never let me do that. Or maybe he would...

Pickle's POV

I sighed as I slept, feeling as comfortable as could be with me and Knife cuddling one another, and the blankets perfectly wrapped around us. I smiled to myself, the coziness spreading to the rest of my body, which was all over Knife. He felt so warm. Hot almost. Well- he was always hot in my opinion. My heart skipped a beat when I opened my eyes just to steal a small glance at him with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly agape. His eyebrows were relaxed and weren't furrowed like they were the majority of the time and his breath smelled of mint. His hair was a hot mess, with locks poking out in all different directions. But still, I adored everything about my Knife. The way he looked, the way he acted – all uptight all the time – I thought that he just needed a little comfort. And that's why we're here. I saw him sleeping so unpleasantly and I just had to help. I just gently climbed into his bed, careful not to wake him up as I lay next to him. I don't recall us getting all tied up with each other's limbs, but I guess that happened by instinct. I guess even our instincts love each other.

Suddenly, I felt Knife moving, indicating that he had woken up. And noticed. He gasped softly as I knew this was a surprise to him. "Shit.", I heard him whisper. I so badly wanted to get up and explain to him what happened so he wouldn't assume that he did this, but then again, I didn't want him to forever hate me. However, after a few seconds, I initiated something myself, flinging an arm over him, acting as if it was unintentional. Hopefully, he would stay here and accept it. Although, I realized I got more than what I wanted when I felt him climb a little on top of me and his cold hand on my cheek moments after his shock. I shuddered at the temperature, but overall, felt a flutter in my heart. "You're such a cutie.", I heard him say very softly into my ear. It was paradise. I had officially found my paradise. I wanted it to last all day like this, but my paradise soon ended after Knife finished ever so gently stroking my cheek as he quickly pulled his hand back. He must've realized what he was doing and stopped out of embarrassment. Unfortunately.

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