Touya Todoroki's Redemption

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Dabi groaned, leaning against a building in an alleyway. It was only a few days after the training camp, and he still hand no idea where Horoki was.

"Finally found you."

He turned, seeing Amaya.

"Come on, we need to head back to the League." She said, gesturing for him to follow.

".... Buzz off, you're all horrible." Dabi said, walking away.

"You can't run forever, Shigaraki will-"

"Take off the mask." Dabi ordered. "If I'm never going to see you again, then I want to see your face." He said, glaring.

She sighed, before removing the mask. Dabi's eyes widened in shock, as he took a step back.

"No.... You're supposed to be.... Fūjin?"

".... Who the hell's Fūjin?"

Those same purple eyes....

Dabi smiled, crouching down. She gave him a puzzled look before a scarf suddenly wrapped around her, a glare cancelling her quirk.

"What?!" She questioned, before Eraserhead punched her in the face, knocking her unconscious.

"You sure damn took awhile, Eraserhead." Dabi said, heating up his hands.

Eraserhead turned to him, deactivating his quirk. Eraserhead let out a sigh, tying the girl up.

"Why did you call me, Dabi?" Eraserhead questioned.

He'd been surprised to get a call from the cremation quirk user, fully expecting not to see him again for a while.

"I need your help.... One of my best friends has been turned into a nomu, the other is in jail. If I turn myself in, I need your word that you'll help her."

Eraserhead thought for a moment, before nodding in agreement.


Touya thinks he's dying. Why, you might ask. He's sitting in front of Nezu.

"Hello, Dabi. Nice to meet your acquaintance!" Nezu said.

"Why exactly am I here?" He asked, concerned.

"Well, I heard that you offered to turn yourself in.... I just wished to know a few little details while our students are away." Nezu explained. "First off, we noticed you didn't try to fight back when you were captured. Why is that?"

Dabi sighed, saying "Well.... Horoki's little sis wasn't on the target list. It was only supposed to be that Bakugo kid, but Shigaraki changed the order.... I didn't even know that Nora was one of the targets. More importantly, that my broth- I mean, my best friend's shit dad would be there."

Nezu listened intently, taking in every word.

"And what about your friend, Amaya-"

Dabi's hands lit up, as flaming blue tears burned.

"HER NAME IS FŪJIN KAJIURA YOU RAT!" Dabi he snapped, his eyes lighting up like suns. He took a breath, saying "Her name.... Is Fūjin Kajiura. She died years ago, turning into that abomination called a nomu. Please, if there's any chance that I can help undo whatever they did to her, let me help."

Nezu took a deep breath, saying "I've heard your words, and I must say.... You care for your friends a lot, don't you?"

Dabi nodded, saying "The three of us only really had each other. Horoki's the youngest, Fūjin the second oldest."

"Hmmm.... Tell you what, Dabi. I'll get your crimes pardoned, if you agree to help teach here at UA."

Dabi thinks over it for a moment.

Pros: No jail time, far away from the League Of Villains, might see Fūjin and Horoki again.

Cons: Nezu finding out he's Touya, running into Shoto, Bakugo, Nora, running into Shoto.

".... Screw it." Dabi says, agreeing to the terms.

"Perfect! Now then, Aizawa's your partner now, enjoy your time here! You start Monday!" Nezu says.

"WHAT?!" They both shrieked, getting ushered out of the room.

The two stand there in the hallway, Aizawa slowly turning to Dabi.

".... Hey?" Dabi said, trying to lift the mood.

Aizawa groaned, saying "Follow me.... Might as well start in my classroom."


Students of class 1A all walked into the classroom, all of them freezing once they walked into the classroom. Dabi, in all his glory, sat in a seat next to Aizawa's, doing paperwork, wearing a sapphire jacket, black jeans with blue fireballs sewed onto the knees.

He looked up at the students, saying "Hello class, I'll be your new teacher for quirk training!"

No one did anything, before Bakugo rocketed across the classroom, palms outstretched. Dabi ducked underneath the explosion, eyes shining in delight as he sucker punched him in the face.

The blonde Pomeranian fell to the ground, groaning at the surely new bruise that would appear.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised that it's Bakugo." Aizawa said, walking into the class.

"Don't punish him, don't forget that now I have that privilege." Dabi said, waving off the attempt.

"Aizawa-sensei, what is the meaning of this?! Are you not aware that he was one of the villains to kidnap Bakugo?!" Iida shouted.

"I am aware, Iida. However, Nezu thinks that he can redeem himself, so he now serves as your new quirk training teacher." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"This guy?! Oh come on, he took me hostage!" Nora argued.

"And what would you have me do to atone for that?" Dabi questioned.

"To atone?! I don't know, maybe apologize for one! Don't attack us! Maybe try to make up for your actions! That's what-"

Nora paused, realization flashing over her face.

"It's as you say. If I really wanted to, I'd have roasted you all the moment you walked in. I'll try to atone for everything I've done, but you won't receive an apology from me until you earn it.... In my class."

Once his speech was over, he stood to start headed to his classroom.

"This is gonna be a fun year."

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