Chapter 3

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Sydney's POV

"I know who all of you are." I said as I looked at the table of actors.

"Paul." Paul stood up and gave me a kiss on each of my cheeks before sitting back down. Englishmen.




I smiled as I shook each of their hands. "Chris, Chris Hemsworth. Also known as the superior Hollywood Chris." He laughed in his gorgeous accent. I watched as Chris Evans laughed along and pushed him slightly, "Shut up. Hemsworth" He looked over in my direction and I swear I could just get lost in his eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of blue. "I'm Chris. Chris Evans." He held out his hand for me and I took it gently.

I felt a slight spark when he took my hand as our eyes locked. I wonder if he felt it too? His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue.

I was pulled out of my trance by my dad clearing his throat rather obnoxiously. I looked at Lizzie and made a face. We knew what he was doing. He's just about done it all my life. I opted to ignore it and looked back at the group with a smile, "It's great to meet you all. I've heard wonderful things about you."

Finally we sat down at the large table and I was between my dad and Scarlett and across from the pair of Chris'. Everyone was engrossed in their own conversations over appetizers and dinner while I started one with Chris and Scarlett. "So you two have known each other for a while now right?" Chris nodded and put a fork of food in his mouth. "Unfortunately." Scarlett mumbled with a slight smirk on her face. "OW!" She laughed. I assume Chris kicked her under the table. "We met on the set of the perfect score." He said.

"Believe it or not, I have actually seen that." I laughed. "You have?" He asked shocked and I nodded. "She made me watch it." I flicked my head in Scarlett's direction and she smiled. "It was pretty good but I think I preferred Not Another Teen Movie." I laughed as his face dropped. "Oh my god! You've seen that?!" He laughed and shook his head. "If I could go back in time..."

"Really, it's some of your best work." I laughed as I gazed back into his ocean blue eyes once again. "So, what do you do? Act? Model? Sing?"

"Model." I replied with a smile. "And that makes perfect sense. You're a beautiful girl." He gave me an award winning smile and I felt a blush form on my cheeks. He was charming and he knew it too. "Syd models for Louis Vuitton mostly." Scarlett said, elbowing me in the side in hopes to distract me briefly from Chris in case my dad chooses to look over at us. "Really?" Chris asked. I nodded and ate a bite of my food. "And other things." I said.

"Victoria's secret!" Aaron said, a little loudly, and pointed at me. "That's where I've seen you. I knew you looked familiar." My face turned about as red as a tomato as attention shifted towards me. Meanwhile, Scarlett was dying laughing at my embarrassment. "Aaron, if you value your'll shut the fuck up and not mention how you've ogled my daughter in flimsy underwear." My dad sent a murderous glare at him and he abruptly stiffened in his chair. I looked back over at Chris who was still looking at me with a smile.

I blushed again under his gaze and entered into a conversation with Hemsworth about his wife Elsa, who I had actually met a few times in the modeling world. She was lovely.

Everyone else continued talking for a while and the table slowly started getting smaller. Evans, Aaron, Lizzie, Scarlett, Jeremy, my dad, and myself were the only ones left. "Let's go get drinks!" Aaron suggested. My dad shook his head and stood up. "Nope. You can go get drinks, I'm going to bed." He kissed the top of my head and stood behind me. "Are you coming back with me? Or getting drinks with these crazy people?" I looked around at the table and caught a wink from Chris. "She's staying out." Scarlett said, pulling me into her side.

"Robert? Can you take me back?" Lizzie asked my dad who was like a second father to her. "You're leaving??" I asked. I didn't want her to go. "Yea I've got a really long day tomorrow and have to be on set at 5am. Soon though." I stood up and pulled her into a tight hug.

Robert and Lizzie got ready to leave and Lizzie made me promise to come onto set tomorrow to see her in action as Wanda Maximoff. "Scarlett. I expect my daughter home in one whole piece."

"Yea, yea, yea." She rolled her eyes and laughed slightly. My dad gave one last warning glare to Aaron and Chris, as if to tell them I'm off limits again, before heading out. I rolled my eyes and looked at the rest of the table. "So where too?"


"Want a drink?" Chris yelled over the music as we were sitting in a VIP section of a club Aaron led us too. Apparently he had already been here a few times and promised us it was a good time. "Sure! Vodka water?" He nodded and leaned over towards the waitress, ordering us drinks. "So, Downey never told me he had a daughter?" Chris turned towards me and smiled. "Yea, he does that sometimes. He likes keeping me hidden from his insanely attractive superhero costars apparently." I flirted, the wine from dinner and the drinks now giving me a sliver of confidence.

Chris laughed loudly and slapped his chest with his hand. "So I'm insanely attractive then?" I smirked and shook my head. "Oh, this is awkward. I was talking about Scarlett and Lizzie."

He faked being hurt and shook his head, "I'm hurt." "You'll live." He smiled again and accepted our drinks from the waitress once she came back around. "One vodka water with lime." "Thank you." I smiled at him and took a sip of the drink. Chris had a beer in his hand as he leaned closer to my ear. "Good?" I nodded and offered him a sip. His lips closed around the straw as he drew in some of the drink. His face scrunched up and he shook his head. "Holy shit that's strong." "Is it?" I took another sip and shrugged, "tastes fine to me. Maybe you just can't handle alcohol."

I nudged him with my shoulder and laughed. "Oh okay, I see how it is." He waved over the waitress and whispered something in her ear. She came back a few minutes later and passed him two shot glasses. He handed one to me, "cheers!" He tapped his glass to mine and quickly took the shot. I followed, bringing the shot glass up to my lips, and letting the liquor burn down my throat. Chris took the glass from my hand and set it on the table.

"Was that supposed to be hard?" I laughed at the face he was making. It's not that the tequila didn't burn...but I had been having a shitty couple of weeks.

"Oh so you're the queen of tequila too then?" He asked. "Just try to keep up, Evans." I winked at him and placed my hand on his arm.

Further into the night and many tequila shots later, I was practically sitting in Chris's lap on the couch as his arm comfortably rested around my body. Our faces were inches apart as we talked about literally anything and everything. Regardless of the liquor coursing through my veins, he was easy to talk to and instantly made me feel comfortable. He was also incredibly easy on the eyes.

My head had fallen onto his shoulder as my eyelids felt heavy. "Come on, Syd. Keep up." Chris mumbled next to me. I shook my head and he laughed. "Okay, let's go. I'll take you home." He let me stand up first as I wobbled slightly but his hand on my hip caught me. "Help me up." He held out his hands and I took them. I gently tried to pull him up but fell forwards onto him on the couch.

Our faces were inches apart once again as I looked into his bright blue eyes. I could smell his cologne mixed with the strong smell of tequila and beer. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, even though it was a few seconds, until Scarlett yelled, "Get a room!"

"I have a room." Chris mumbled. I felt his heart rate increase as I laid on him. I pushed myself up and off of him. He stood up after me and looked at the rest of the group. "I'm gonna take her home. And myself home. Separately." He cleared his throat slightly as his body swayed back and forth. How did we get this drunk?

The sexual tension was thick as we walked out towards the exit. His hand rested gently on my lower back, sending a wave of goosebumps across my body. I had to concentrate extra hard on walking straight and my breathing as we walked. We got into a taxi and Chris mumbled the address of the townhouses to the driver. I watched as Chris's leg bounced up and down as we sat farther apart than we had been sitting the whole night in the club. Fuck it. I gently placed my hand on top of his thigh and bit down on my bottom lip. His leg stopped bouncing almost immediately as he looked at me.

"Oh fuck it."

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