Chapter 54

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I took a deep break before bringing my hand up to the door. I froze for a second... what if he slammed the door in my face? No. I had to believe he wouldn't do that. And if he did? Then I would just have to shout what I need to say through the door. I've kept this in long enough.

Oh god wait, what if he's not even here?? But that's stupid because Seb told you he would be here. Ugh. But maybe he went out to get food? Or something? Oh god, fuck it. Just knock.

So I did. I held my hand up and knocked three times on the hotel door. I waited a few moments, panic slowly setting in as I heard motion on the other side. The steps got closer and soon the door was opening revealing Chris's brother, Scott.

Fuck. I thought Chris was alone. Now what??

"Sydney??" Scott said, looking a little surprised to see me at his brother's hotel room door. "Hi, Scott." I breathed out, "is Chris here?"

"Yea. He's just in the shower... come in." He stepped aside and let me in. Only now did I hear the shower running in the background. Fuck. Okay. I was doing this.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked. I was silent for a moment and he looked at me confused. I probably looked like an idiot who didn't know how to speak right now, I was so nervous. "I need to talk to Chris, it's really important." I said. He only nodded and looked towards the room door. It appeared they were in a two bedroom suite.

"Let me go tell him you're here then." Scott said, walking into one of the rooms. I stood in the little living area awkwardly, unable to hear the conversation between the two brothers.

"WHAT?!" There was a loud yell followed by a crashing noise, "OW, FUCK!" I cringed slightly to myself. The shower abruptly turned off and I soon heard hushed voices on the other side of the door.

I continued to stand awkwardly until Scott came back out and gave me a smile. "He'll be out in a second."

"Is he okay?" I asked. "He'll be fine. He just fell after I told him you were here..." He trailed off. I could only nod as an awkward silence fell over both of us. Scott was the first to break it, "I'm, I'm gonna head out for some lunch. Tell Chris to text me if he wants anything..." I only nodded as a response and Scott was quick out the door.

Only then did I take a seat on the couch and wait until Chris walked out of the room in sweatpants, a shirt much too tight for him, and a towel in his hands as he rubbed his hair. His longer hair. When the hell did it grow so long?? Shit. Sydney focus.

"Sydney? What are you doing here?" He asked, throwing the towel aside and brushing his hair back with his hand. "Um, I needed to talk to you... you wouldn't return my calls or texts..." I trailed off.

"Because I didn't want to talk to you." He said, rather bluntly... which I expected. "I gathered that, and I would have left you alone and not shown up like this but I needed to speak to you."

"I see you had it." He said, motioning to my stomach. "Him. I had, Bradley is his name." I said. He only nodded and said nothing.

"How did you even know where I was?" He now asked. I stayed quiet and he rolled his eyes, "Seb told you didn't he?? Some fucking friend he is."

"Chris, don't be mad at Seb. He was trying to help me out." I sighed. Chris took a seat on one of the chairs across from me and sighed. "Yes and by helping you, he fucked me over."

Ouch. That kind of stung.

"Look Chris, I get it. You hate me now or whatever... but I wouldn't be sitting here right now unless what I had to say wasn't important." I said, glancing into his blue eyes which were cold and distant. "Then spit it out, so you can leave and go back to your perfect little life with Chace." He said, bitterly. He was jealous. I could pinpoint that tone anywhere.

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